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H5MD-NOMAD: A flexible data-storage schema for uploading molecular simulations to NOMAD


Most computational data in NOMAD is harvested with code-specific parsers that recognize the output files from a particular software and retrieve the appropriate (meta)data accordingly. However, this approach is not possible for many modern molecular simulation engines that use fully-flexible scriptable input and non-fixed output files. "HDF5 for molecular data" (H5MD) is a data schema for storage of molecular simulation data, based on the HDF5 file format. This page describes an extension of the H5MD schema, denoted H5MD-NOMAD, which adds specificity to several of the H5MD guidelines while also retaining reasonable flexibility. This enables simulation data stored according to the H5MD-NOMAD schema to be stored in the NOMAD.

Due to the nature of extending upon the original H5MD schema, portions of this doc page was duplicated, extended, or summarized from the H5MD webpage.

Introduction to the H5MD storage format

H5MD was originally proposed by P. de Buyl, P. H. Colberg and F. Höfling in H5MD: A structured, efficient, and portable file format for molecular data, Comp. Phys. Comm. 185, 1546–1553 (2014) [arXiv:1308.6382]. The schema is maintained, along with associated tools, in a GitHub repository: H5MD GitHub.

This section provides the basic nomenclature of the H5MD schema relevant for understanding H5MD-NOMAD, and was duplicated or summarized from the H5MD webpage.

File format

H5MD structures are stored in the HDF5 file format version 0 or later. It is recommended to use the HDF5 file format version 2, which includes the implicit tracking of the creation and modification times of the file and of each of its objects.

Notation and naming

HDF5 files are organized into groups and datasets, summarized as objects, which form a tree structure with the datasets as leaves. Attributes can be attached to each object. The H5MD specification adopts this naming and uses the following notation to depict the tree or its subtrees:

\-- item : An object within a group, that is either a dataset or a group. If it is a group itself, the objects within the group are indented by five spaces with respect to the group name.

+-- attribute : An attribute, that relates either to a group or a dataset.

\-- data: <type>[dim1][dim2] : A dataset with array dimensions dim1 by dim2 and of type <type>. The type is taken from Enumeration, Integer, Float or String and follows the HDF5 Datatype classes. If the type is not mandated by H5MD, <type> is indicated. A scalar dataspace is indicated by [].

(identifier) : An optional item.

<identifier> : An optional item with unspecified name.

H5MD defines a structure called H5MD element (or element whenever there is no confusion). An element is either a time-dependent group or a single dataset (see time-dependent data below), depending on the situation.

Time-dependent data

Time-dependent data consists of a series of samples (or frames) referring to multiple time steps. Such data are found inside a single dataset and are accessed via dataset slicing. In order to link the samples to the time axis of the simulation, H5MD defines a time-dependent H5MD element as a group that contains, in addition to the actual data, information on the corresponding integer time step and on the physical time. The structure of such a group is:

 \-- step
 \-- (time)
 \-- value: <type>[variable][...]

value : A dataset that holds the data of the time series. It uses a simple dataspace whose rank is given by 1 plus the tensor rank of the data stored. Its shape is the shape of a single data item prepended by a [variable] dimension that allows the accumulation of samples during the course of time. For instance, the data shape of scalars has the form [variable], D-dimensional vectors use [variable][D], etc. The first dimension of value must match the unique dimension of step and time.

If several H5MD elements are sampled at equal times, step and time of one element may be hard links to the step and time datasets of a different element. If two elements are sampled at different times (for instance, if one needs the positions more frequently than the velocities), step and time are unique to each of them.

The storage of step and time information follows one of the two modes below, depending on the dataset layout of step.

Explicit step and time storage

 \-- step: Integer[variable]
 \-- (time: type[variable])
 \-- value: <type>[variable][...]

step : A dataset with dimensions [variable] that contains the time steps at which the corresponding data were sampled. It is of Integer type to allow exact temporal matching of data from one H5MD element to another. The values of the dataset are in monotonically increasing order.

time : An optional dataset that is the same as the step dataset, except it is Float or Integer-valued and contains the simulation time in physical units. The values of the dataset are in monotonically increasing order.

Fixed step and time storage (currently not supported in H5MD-NOMAD)

 \-- step: Integer[]
     +-- (offset: type[])
 \-- (time: type[])
     +-- (offset: type[])
 \-- value: <type>[variable][...]

step : A scalar dataset of Integer type that contains the increment of the time step between two successive rows of data in value.

: A scalar attribute of type `Integer` corresponding to the first sampled
value of `step`.

time : An optional scalar dataset that is the same as the step dataset, except that it is Float or Integer-valued and contains the increment in simulation time, in physical units.

offset : A scalar attribute of the same type as time corresponding to the first sampled value of time.

For this storage mode, the explicit value \(s(i)\) of the step corresponding to the \(i\)-th row of the dataset value is \(s(i) = i\times\mathrm{step} + \mathrm{offset}\) where \(\mathrm{offset}\) is set to zero if absent. The corresponding formula for the time \(t(i)\) is identical: \(t(i) = i\times\mathrm{time} + \mathrm{offset}\). The index \(i\) is zero-based.

Time-independent data

H5MD defines a time-independent H5MD element as a dataset. As for the value dataset in the case of time-dependent data, data type and array shape are implied by the stored data, where the [variable] dimension is omitted.

Storage order of arrays

All arrays are stored in C-order as enforced by the HDF5 file format. A C or C++ program may thus declare r[N][D] for the array of particle coordinates while the Fortran program will declare a r(D,N) array (appropriate index ordering for a system of N particles in D spatial dimensions), and the HDF5 file will be the same.

Storage of particles and tuples lists

Storage of a list of particles

A list of particles is an H5MD element:

<list_name>: Integer[N]
 +-- particles_group: Object reference

where list_name is a dataset of Integer type and dimensions [N], N being the number of particle indices stored in the list. particles_group is an attribute containing an HDF5 Object Reference as defined by the HDF5 file format. particles_group must refer to one of the groups in /particles.

If a fill value is defined for list_name, the particles indices in list_name set to this value are ignored.

If the corresponding particles_group does not possess the id element, the values in list_name correspond to the indexing of the elements in particles_group. Else, the values in list_name must be put in correspondence with the equal values in the id element.

Storage of tuples

A list of tuples is an H5MD element:

<tuples_list_name>: Integer[N,T]
 +-- particles_group: Object reference

where N is the length of the list and T is the size of the tuples. Both N and T may indicate variable dimensions. particles_group is an attribute containing an HDF5 Object Reference, obeying the same rules as for the lists of particles.

The interpretation of the values stored within the tuples is done as for a list of particles.

If a fill value is defined, tuples with at least one entry set to this value are ignored.

Time-dependence (time-dependent particle lists currently not supported in H5MD-NOMAD)

As the lists of particles and tuples above are H5MD elements, they can be stored either as time-dependent groups or time-independent datasets.

As an example, a time-dependent list of pairs is stored as:

   +-- particles_group: Object reference
   \-- value: Integer[variable,N,2]
   \-- step: Integer[variable]

The dimension denoted by N may be variable.

The root level

The root level of H5MD-NOMAD structure is organized as follows (identical to the original H5MD specification):

 \-- h5md
 \-- (particles)
 \-- (observables)
 \-- (connectivity)
 \-- (parameters)

h5md : A group that contains metadata and information on the H5MD structure itself. It is the only mandatory group at the root level of H5MD.

particles : An optional group that contains information on each particle in the system, e.g., a snapshot of the positions or the full trajectory in phase space.

observables : An optional group that contains other quantities of interest, e.g., physical observables that are derived from the system state at given points in time.

connectivity : An optional group that contains information about the connectivity between particles.

parameters : An optional group that contains application-specific (meta)data such as control parameters or simulation scripts.

The H5MD Group

A set of global metadata describing the H5MD structure is stored in the h5md group as attributes. The contents of the group are:

 +-- version: Integer[2]
 \-- author
 |    +-- name: String[]
 |    +-- (email: String[])
 \-- creator
 |    +-- name: String[]
 |    +-- version: String[]
 \-- program
      +-- name: String[]
      +-- version: String[]

version : An attribute, of Integer datatype and of simple dataspace of rank 1 and size 2, that contains the major version number and the minor version number of the H5MD specification the H5MD structure conforms to.

The version x.y.z of the H5MD specification follows semantic versioning: A change of the major version number x indicates backward-incompatible changes to the file structure. A change of the minor version number y indicates backwards-compatible changes to the file structure. A change of the patch version number z indicates changes that have no effect on the file structure and serves to allow for clarifications or minor text editing of the specification.

As the z component has no impact on the content of an H5MD file, the version attribute contains only x and y.

author : A group that contains metadata on the person responsible for the simulation (or the experiment) as follows:

  • name : An attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that holds the author's real name.

  • email : An optional attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that holds the author's email address of the form email@domain.tld.

creator : A group that contains metadata on the program that created the H5MD structure as follows:

  • name : An attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that stores the name of the program.

  • version : An attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that yields the version of the program.

program : A group that contains metadata on the code/package that created the simulation data contained within this H5MD structure:

  • name : An attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that stores the name of the program.

  • version : An attribute, of fixed-length string datatype and of scalar dataspace, that yields the version of the program.

Modules (currently unused in H5MD-NOMAD)

The original H5MD specification allowed the definition of modules under the h5md group. Such modules are currently ignored when uploading to NOMAD, although they of course will remain present in the raw uploaded hdf5 file.

The particles group

Particle attributes, i.e., information about each particle in the system, are stored within the particles group. According to the original H5MD schema, the particles group is a container for subgroups that represent different subsets of the system under consideration. For simplicity of parsing, H5MD-NOMAD currently requires one such group, labeled all, to contain all the particles and corresponding attributes to be stored in the NOMAD archive. Additional particle groups will be ignored.

For each dataset, the ordering of indices (whenever relevant) is as follows: frame index, particle index, dimension index. Thus, the contents of the particles group for a trajectory with N_frames frames and N_part particles in a D-dimensional space can be represented:

 \-- all
 |    \-- box
 |    \-- (<time-dependent_vector_attribute>)
 |    |    \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- value: <type>[N_frames][N_part][D]
 |    \-- (<time-dependent_scalar_attribute>)
 |    |    \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- value: <type>[N_frames][N_part]
 |    \-- (<time-independent_vector_attribute>): <type>[N_part][D]
 |    \-- (<time-independent_scalar_attribute>): <type>[N_part]
 |    \-- ...
 \-- <group2>
      \-- ...

Standardized H5MD elements for particles group

position : (required for parsing other particle attributes) An element that describes the particle positions as coordinate vectors of Float or Integer type.

velocity : An element that contains the velocities for each particle as a vector of Float or Integer type.

force : An element that contains the total forces (i.e., the accelerations multiplied by the particle mass) for each particle as a vector of Float or Integer type.

mass : An element that holds the mass for each particle as a scalar of Float type.

  • image : (currently unused in H5MD-NOMAD)

TODO can we make these admonitions indented somehow or more obviously connected with the members of this list?


An element that represents periodic images of the box as coordinate vectors of Float or Integer type and allows one to compute for each particle its absolute position in space. If image is present, position must be present as well. For time-dependent data, the step and time datasets of image must equal those of position, which must be accomplished by hard-linking the respective datasets.

species : (currently unused in H5MD-NOMAD)


An element that describes the species for each particle, i.e., its atomic or chemical identity, as a scalar of Enumeration or Integer data type. Particles of the same species are assumed to be identical with respect to their properties and unbonded interactions.

id : (currently unused in H5MD-NOMAD)


An element that holds a scalar identifier for each particle of Integer type, which is unique within the given particle subgroup. The id serves to identify particles over the course of the simulation in the case when the order of the particles changes, or when new particles are inserted and removed. If id is absent, the identity of the particles is given by their index in the value datasets of the elements within the same subgroup.

charge : An element that contains the charge associated to each particle as a scalar, of Integer or Float type.

Standardized H5MD-NOMAD elements for particles group

species_label : An element that holds a label (fixed-length string datatype) for each particle. This label denotes the fundamental species type of the particle (e.g., the chemical element label for atoms), regardless of its given interactions within the model. Both time-independent and time-dependent species_label elements are supported.

model_label : An element that holds a label (fixed-length string datatype) for each particle. This label denotes the type of particle with respect to the given interactions within the model (e.g., force field) Currently only time-independent species labels are supported.

Non-standard elements in particles group

All non-standard elements within the particles group are currently ignored by the NOMAD H5MD parser. In principle, one can store additional custom attributes as configuration-specific observables (see The observables group).

The simulation box subgroup

Information about the simulation box is stored in a subgroup named box, within the relevant particles group (all in our case). Both time-independent and time-dependent box information are supported (i.e. via the edges element). Because the box group is specific to a particle group of particles, time-dependent boxes must contain step and time datasets that exactly match those of the corresponding position group. In principal, this should be accomplished by hard-linking the respective datasets. In practice, H5MD-NOMAD currently assumes that this is the case (i.e., the box group step and time information is unused), and simply checks that edges.value has the same leading dimension as position.

The structure of the box group is as follows:

 \-- all
      \-- box
           +-- dimension: Integer[]
           +-- boundary: String[D]
           \-- (edges)

dimension : An attribute that stores the spatial dimension D of the simulation box and is of Integer datatype and scalar dataspace.

boundary : An attribute, of boolean datatype (changed from string to boolean in H5MD-NOMAD) and of simple dataspace of rank 1 and size D, that specifies the boundary condition of the box along each dimension, i.e., True implies periodic boundaries are applied in the corresponding dimension. If all values in boundary are False, edges may be omitted.

edges : A D-dimensional vector or a D × D matrix, depending on the geometry of the box, of Float or Integer type. Only cuboid and triclinic boxes are allowed. If edges is a vector, it specifies the space diagonal of a cuboid-shaped box. If edges is a matrix, the box is of triclinic shape with the edge vectors given by the rows of the matrix. For a time-dependent box, a cuboid geometry is encoded by a dataset value (within the H5MD element) of rank 2 (1 dimension for the time and 1 for the vector) and a triclinic geometry by a dataset value of rank 3 (1 dimension for the time and 2 for the matrix). For a time-independent box, a cuboid geometry is encoded by a dataset edges of rank 1 and a triclinic geometry by a dataset of rank 2.

For instance, a cuboid box that changes in time would appear as:

 \-- all
      \-- box
           +-- dimension: Integer[]
           +-- boundary: String[D]
           \-- edges
                \-- step: Integer[variable]
                \-- time: Float[variable]
                \-- value: <type>[variable][D]

where dimension is equal to D. A triclinic box that is fixed in time would appear as:

 \-- all
      \-- box
           +-- dimension: Integer[]
           +-- boundary: String[D]
           \-- edges: <type>[D][D]

where dimension is equal to D.

The observables group

The initial H5MD proposed a simple and flexible schema for the general storage of observable info, defined roughly as "macroscopic observables" or "averages of a property over many particles", as H5MD elements:

 \-- <observable1>
 |    \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |    \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |    \-- value: <type>[N_frames]
 \-- <observable2>
 |    \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |    \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |    \-- value: <type>[N_frames][D]
 \-- <group1>
 |    \-- <observable3>
 |         \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |         \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |         \-- value: <type>[N_frames][D][D]
 \-- <observable4>: <type>[]
 \-- ...

As depicted above, observables representing only a subset of the particles may be stored in appropriate subgroups similar to the particles tree. H5MD-NOMAD does support the organization of observables into subgroups (as discussed in more detail below). However, grouping by particle groups is not fully supported in the sense that there is currently no metadata storing the corresponding indices of the relevant particles subgroup. Additionally, since only the all particles group is parsed, information about the named subgroup will not be stored anywhere in the archive. Thus, we recommend for now that only observables relevant to the all particles subgroup are stored within this section.

H5MD-NOMAD observables

H5MD-NOMAD extends H5MD observable storage by 1. specifying standard observable types with associated metadata and 2. providing standardized specifications for some common observables. In contrast to the schema above, a more restrictive structure is required:

 \-- <observable_type_1>
 |    \-- <observable_1_label_1>
 |    |    +-- type: String[]
 |    |    \-- ...
 \-- <observable_type_2>
 |    \-- <observable_2_label_1>
 |    |    +-- type: String[]
 |    |    \-- ...
 |    \-- <observable_2_label_2>
 |    |    +-- type: String[]
 |    |    \-- ...
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...

Here, each observable_type corresponds to a particular group of observables, e.g., to be plotted together in a single plot. The given name for this group could be generic, e.g., radial distribution function, or more specific, e.g., molecular radial distribution function for solvents. The latter may be useful in case multiple groupings of a single type of observable are needed. Each observable_label then corresponds to a specific name for an individual instance of this observable type. For example, for a radial distribution function between particles of type A and B, observable_label might be set to A-B.

Finally, H5MD-NOMAD has added the observable type as an attribute of each observable: The following observable types are supported:

configurational : An observable that is computed for each individual configuration, with the following general structure:

 \-- <configurational_subgroup>
 |    \-- <label_1>
 |    |    +-- type: "configurational"
 |    |    \-- step: Integer[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- time: Float[N_frames]
 |    |    \-- value: <type>[N_frames][M]
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...

where M is the dimension of the observable. This section may also be used to store per-particle quantities/attributes that are not currently supported as standardized H5MD-NOMAD elements for particles group, in which case value will have dimensions [N_frames][N_part][M].

ensemble_average : An observable that is computed by averaging over multiple configurations, with the following generic structure:

 \-- <ensemble_average_subgroup>
 |    \-- <label_1>
 |    |    +-- type: "ensemble_average"
 |    |    \-- (n_variables): Integer
 |    |    \-- (variables_name): String[n_variables][]
 |    |    \-- (n_bins): Integer[]
 |    |    \-- bins: Float[n_bins][]
 |    |    \-- value: <type>[n_bins][]
 |    |    \-- (frame_start): Integer
 |    |    \-- (frame_end): Integer
 |    |    \-- (n_smooth): Integer
 |    |    \-- (type): String[]
 |    |    \-- (error_type): String[]
 |    |    \-- (errors): Float[n_bins]
 |    |    \-- (error_labels): String[]
 |    |    \-- (frame_end): Integer
 |    |    \-- (<custom_dataset>): <type>[]
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...
  • n_variables : dimensionality of the observable. Can also be inferred from leading dimension of bins.

  • variables_name : name/description of the independent variables along which the observable is defined.

  • n_bins : number of bins along each dimension of the observable. Either single Integer for 1-D observables, or a list of Integers for multi-dimensional observable. Can also be inferred from dimensions of bins.

  • bins : value of the bins used for calculating the observable along each dimension of the observable.

  • value : value of the calculated ensemble average at each bin.

  • frame_start : trajectory frame index at which the averaging begins. This index must correspond to the list of steps and times in particles.all.position.

  • frame_end : trajectory frame index at which the averaging ends. This index must correspond to the list of steps and times in particles.all.position.

  • n_smooth : number of bins over which the running average was computed for value.

  • type : Allowed values of molecular or atomic. Categorizes if the observable is calculated at the molecular or atomic level.

  • error_type : describes the type of error reported for this observable. Examples: Pearson correlation coefficient, mean squared error.

  • errors : value of the error at each bin. Can be multidimensional with corresponding label stored in error_labels.

  • error_labels : describes the error along individual dimensions for multi-D errors.

  • <custom_dataset> : additional metadata may be given as necessary.

time_correlation : An observable that is computed by calculating correlations between configurations in time, with the following general structure:

 \-- <time_correlation_subgroup>
 |    \-- <label_1>
 |    |    +-- type: "time_correlation"
 |    |    \-- (direction): String[]
 |    |    \-- (n_times): Integer[]
 |    |    \-- times: Float[n_times][]
 |    |    \-- value: <type>[n_bins][]
 |    |    \-- (type): String[]
 |    |    \-- (error_type): String[]
 |    |    \-- (errors): Float[n_bins]
 |    |    \-- (error_labels): String[]
 |    |    \-- (<custom_dataset>): <type>[]
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...
  • label : describes the particles involved in determining the property. For example, for a radial distribution function between particles of type A and B, label might be set to A-B

  • direction : allowed values of x, y, z, xy, yz, xz, xyz. The direction/s used for calculating the correlation function.

  • n_times : number of times windows for the calculation of the correlation function. Can also be inferred from dimensions of times.

  • times : time values used for calculating the correlation function (i.e., Δt values).

  • value : value of the calculated correlation function at each time.

  • type : Allowed values of molecular or atomic. Categorizes if the observable is calculated at the molecular or atomic level.

  • error_type : describes the type of error reported for this observable. Examples: Pearson correlation coefficient, mean squared error.

  • errors : value of the error at each bin. Can be multidimensional with corresponding label stored in error_labels.

  • error_labels : describes the error along individual dimensions for multi-D errors.

  • <custom_dataset> : additional metadata may be given as necessary.

A list of standardized observables can be found in Reference - H5MD-NOMAD > Standardized observables in H5MD-NOMAD.

The connectivity group

The initial H5MD proposed a simple and flexible schema for the storage of "connectivity" information, e.g., to be used in conjunction with a molecular mechanics force field. The connectivity information is stored as tuples in the group /connectivity. The tuples are pairs, triples, etc. as needed and may be either time-independent or time-dependent. As with other elements, connectivity elements can be defined for particular particle groups. However, H5MD-NOMAD focuses on the storage of connectivity elements for the entire system (i.e., the all particles group).

Standardized H5MD-NOMAD connectivity

The general structure of the connectivity group is as follows:

 \-- (bonds): Integer[N_part][2]
 \-- (angles): Integer[N_part][3]
 \-- (dihedrals): Integer[N_part][4]
 \-- (impropers): Integer[N_part][4]
 \-- (<custom_interaction>): Integer[N_part][m]
 \-- (particles_group)
      \-- ...

N_part corresponds to the number of particles stored in the particles/all group.

  • bonds : a list of 2-tuples specifying the indices of particles containing a "bond interaction".

  • angles : a list of 3-tuples specifying the indices of particles containing an "angle interaction".

  • dihedrals : a list of 4-tuples specifying the indices of particles containing a "dihedral interaction".

  • impropers : a list of 4-tuples specifying the indices of particles containing an "improper dihedral interaction".

  • <custom_interaction> : a list of m-tuples specifying the indices of particles containing an arbitrary interaction. m denotes the number of particles involved in the interaction.

  • particles_group : See below.

Currently only time-independent connectivity elements are supported.

The particles_group subgroup

Despite not fully utilizing the organization of arbitrary groups of particles within the particles group, H5MD-NOMAD allows for the user to provide an arbitrary hierarchy of particle groupings, also referred to as a "topology", within the connectivity subgroup called particles_group. This information will be used by NOMAD to facilitate visualizations of the system, through the "topology bar" in the overview page. The general structure of the topology group is as follows:

 \-- particles_group
      \-- <group_1>
      |    \-- (type): String[]
      |    \-- (formula): String[]
      |    \-- indices: Integer[]
      |    \-- (is_molecule): Bool
 |    |    \-- (<custom_dataset>): <type>[]
      |    \-- (particles_group):
      |        \-- ...
      \-- <group_2>
          \-- ...

The initial particles_group subgroup, directly under connectivity, is a container for the entire topology. particles_group contains a series of subgroups with arbitrary names, which denote the first level of organization within the topology. The name of each subgroup will become the group label within the NOMAD metadata. Each of these subgroups then contain a series of datasets:

  • type : describes the type of particle group. There exists a list of standardized types: molecule_group, molecule, monomer_group, monomer. However, arbitrary types can be given. We suggest that you 1. use the standardized types when appropriate (note that protein residues should be generically typed as monomer) and 2. use the general format <type>_group for groups of a distinct type (see further description of suggested hierarchy below).

  • formula : a "chemical-like" formula that describes the particle group with respect to its underlying components. The format for the formula is <child_1>(n_child_1)<child_2>(n_child_2)..., where <child_x> is the name/label of the underlying component, and n_child_x is the number of such components found within this particle group. Example: A particles group containing 100 water molecules named water has the formula water(100), whereas each underlying water molecule has the standard chemical formula H2O.

  • indices : a list of integer indices corresponding to all particles belonging to this group. Indices should correspond to the list of particles stored in the particles/all group.

  • is_molecule : indicator of individual molecules (typically with respect to the bond connections defined by a force field).

  • custom_dataset : arbitrary additional metadata for this particle group may be given.

Each subgroup may also contain a (nested) particles_group subgroup, in order to subdivide the group of particles into an organizational hierarchy. As with the overall particles_group container, the groups contained within particles_group must not partition the particles within this group (i.e., overlapping or non-complete groupings are allowed). However, particle groups must contain particles already contained within the parent particles_group (i.e., subgroups must be a subset of the grouping at the previous level of the hierarchy).

Note that typically the particles_group hierarchy ends at the level of individual particles (i.e., individual particles are not stored, since this information is already contained within the particles group).

The parameters group

The initial H5MD proposed a simple and flexible schema for the storage of general "parameter" information within the parameters group, with the following structure:

 +-- <user_attribute1>
 \-- <user_data1>
 \-- <user_group1>
 |    \-- <user_data2>
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...

In contrast, the H5MD-NOMAD schema calls for very specific structures to be used when storing parameter information. While the previous groups have attempted to stay away from enforcing NOMAD-specific data structures on the user, instead opting for more intuitive and generally-convenient structures, the parameters group utilizes already-existing metadata and structures within NOMAD to efficiently import simulation parameters in a way that is searchable and comparable to simulations performed by other users.

In this way, the H5MD-NOMAD parameters group has the following structure:

 \-- <parameter_subgroup_1>
 |    \-- ...
 \-- <parameter_subgroup_2>
 |    \-- ...
 \-- ...

The subgroups force_calculations and workflow are supported. The following describes the detailed data structures for these subgroups, using the NOMAD MetaInfo definitions for each underlying Quantity. Please note that:

  1. Quantities with type=MEnum() are restricted to the provided allowed values.

  2. The unit given in the MetaInfo definition does not have to be used within the H5MD-NOMAD file, however, the dimensionality of the unit should match.

Force calculations

The force_calculations group contains the parameters for force calculations according to the force field during a molecular dynamics run.

The following json template illustrates the structure of the force_calculations group, with example values for clarity:

    "vdw_cutoff": {"value": 1.2, "unit": "nm"},
    "coulomb_type": "particle_mesh_ewald",
    "coulomb_cutoff": {"value": 1.2, "unit": "nm"},
    "neighbor_searching": {
        "neighbor_update_frequency": 1,
        "neighbor_update_cutoff": {"value": 1.2, "unit": "nm"}

In the following, we provide the NOMAD definitions for each of these quantities:

  • vdw_cutoff :

            Cutoff for calculating VDW forces.
  • coulomb_type :

        type=MEnum('cutoff', 'ewald', 'multilevel_summation', 'particle_mesh_ewald',
                'particle_particle_particle_mesh', 'reaction_field'),
        Method used for calculating long-ranged Coulomb forces.
        Allowed values are:
        | Barostat Name          | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `""`                   | No thermostat               |
        | `"Cutoff"`          | Simple cutoff scheme. |
        | `"Ewald"` | Standard Ewald summation as described in any solid-state physics text. |
        | `"Multi-Level Summation"` |  D. Hardy, J.E. Stone, and K. Schulten,
        [Parallel. Comput. **35**, 164](|
        | `"Particle-Mesh-Ewald"`        | T. Darden, D. York, and L. Pedersen,
        [J. Chem. Phys. **98**, 10089 (1993)]( |
        | `"Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh"` | See e.g. Hockney and Eastwood, Computer Simulation Using Particles,
        Adam Hilger, NY (1989). |
        | `"Reaction-Field"` | J.A. Barker and R.O. Watts,
        [Mol. Phys. **26**, 789 (1973)](|
  • coulomb_cutoff :

        Cutoff for calculating short-ranged Coulomb forces.
  • neighbor_searching : Section containing the parameters for neighbor searching/lists during a molecular dynamics run.

  • neighbor_update_frequency :

        Number of timesteps between updating the neighbor list.
  • neighbor_update_cutoff :

        The distance cutoff for determining the neighbor list.

The molecular dynamics workflow

The workflow group contains the parameters for any type of workflow. Here we describe the specific case of the well-defined molecular_dynamics workflow. Custom workflows are described in detail in Workflows in NOMAD.

The following json template illustrates the structure of the molecular_dynamics subsection of the workflow group, with example values for clarity:

    "molecular_dynamics": {
        "thermodynamic_ensemble": "NPT",
        "integrator_type": "langevin_leap_frog",
        "integration_timestep": {"value": 2e-15, "unit": "ps"},
        "n_steps": 20000000,
        "coordinate_save_frequency": 10000,
        "velocity_save_frequency": null,
        "force_save_frequency": null,
        "thermodynamics_save_frequency": null,
        "thermostat_parameters": {
            "thermostat_type": "langevin_leap_frog",
            "reference_temperature": {"value": 300.0, "unit": "kelvin"},
            "coupling_constant": {"value": 1.0, "unit": "ps"}},
        "barostat_parameters": {
            "barostat_type": "berendsen",
            "coupling_type": "isotropic",
            "reference_pressure": {"value": [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], "unit": "bar"},
            "coupling_constant": {"value": [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]},
            "compressibility": {"value": [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]}

In the following, we provide the NOMAD definitions for each of these quantities:

  • thermodynamic_ensemble :

        type=MEnum('NVE', 'NVT', 'NPT', 'NPH'),
        The type of thermodynamic ensemble that was simulated.
        Allowed values are:
        | Thermodynamic Ensemble          | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `"NVE"`           | Constant number of particles, volume, and energy |
        | `"NVT"`           | Constant number of particles, volume, and temperature |
        | `"NPT"`           | Constant number of particles, pressure, and temperature |
        | `"NPH"`           | Constant number of particles, pressure, and enthalpy |
  • integrator_type : Quantity( type=MEnum( 'brownian', 'conjugant_gradient', 'langevin_goga', 'langevin_schneider', 'leap_frog', 'rRESPA_multitimescale', 'velocity_verlet' ), shape=[], description=''' Name of the integrator.

        Allowed values are:
        | Integrator Name          | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `"langevin_goga"`           | N. Goga, A. J. Rzepiela, A. H. de Vries,
        S. J. Marrink, and H. J. C. Berendsen, [J. Chem. Theory Comput. **8**, 3637 (2012)]
        ( |
        | `"langevin_schneider"`           | T. Schneider and E. Stoll,
        [Phys. Rev. B **17**, 1302]( |
        | `"leap_frog"`          | R.W. Hockney, S.P. Goel, and J. Eastwood,
        [J. Comp. Phys. **14**, 148 (1974)]( |
        | `"velocity_verlet"` | W.C. Swope, H.C. Andersen, P.H. Berens, and K.R. Wilson,
        [J. Chem. Phys. **76**, 637 (1982)]( |
        | `"rRESPA_multitimescale"` | M. Tuckerman, B. J. Berne, and G. J. Martyna
        [J. Chem. Phys. **97**, 1990 (1992)]( |
  • integration_timestep : Quantity( type=np.float64, shape=[], unit='s', description=''' The timestep at which the numerical integration is performed. ''')

  • n_steps : Quantity( type=int, shape=[], description=''' Number of timesteps performed. ''')

  • coordinate_save_frequency : Quantity( type=int, shape=[], description=''' The number of timesteps between saving the coordinates. ''')

  • velocity_save_frequency : Quantity( type=int, shape=[], description=''' The number of timesteps between saving the velocities. ''')

  • force_save_frequency : Quantity( type=int, shape=[], description=''' The number of timesteps between saving the forces. ''')

  • thermodynamics_save_frequency : Quantity( type=int, shape=[], description=''' The number of timesteps between saving the thermodynamic quantities. ''')

  • thermostat_parameters : Section containing the parameters pertaining to the thermostat for a molecular dynamics run.

  • thermostat_type :

        type=MEnum('andersen', 'berendsen', 'brownian', 'langevin_goga', 'langevin_schneider', 'nose_hoover', 'velocity_rescaling',
        The name of the thermostat used for temperature control. If skipped or an empty string is used, it
        means no thermostat was applied.
        Allowed values are:
        | Thermostat Name        | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `""`                   | No thermostat               |
        | `"andersen"`           | H.C. Andersen, [J. Chem. Phys.
        **72**, 2384 (1980)]( |
        | `"berendsen"`          | H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma,
        W. F. van Gunsteren, A. DiNola, and J. R. Haak, [J. Chem. Phys.
        **81**, 3684 (1984)]( |
        | `"brownian"`           | Brownian Dynamics |
        | `"langevin_goga"`           | N. Goga, A. J. Rzepiela, A. H. de Vries,
        S. J. Marrink, and H. J. C. Berendsen, [J. Chem. Theory Comput. **8**, 3637 (2012)]
        ( |
        | `"langevin_schneider"`           | T. Schneider and E. Stoll,
        [Phys. Rev. B **17**, 1302]( |
        | `"nose_hoover"`        | S. Nosé, [Mol. Phys. **52**, 255 (1984)]
        (; W.G. Hoover, [Phys. Rev. A
        **31**, 1695 (1985) |
        | `"velocity_rescaling"` | G. Bussi, D. Donadio, and M. Parrinello,
        [J. Chem. Phys. **126**, 014101 (2007)]( |
        | `"velocity_rescaling_langevin"` | G. Bussi and M. Parrinello,
        [Phys. Rev. E **75**, 056707 (2007)]( |
  • reference_temperature :

        The target temperature for the simulation.
  • coupling_constant :

        The time constant for temperature coupling. Need to describe what this means for the various
        thermostat options...
  • effective_mass :

        The effective or fictitious mass of the temperature resevoir.
  • barostat_parameters : Section containing the parameters pertaining to the barostat for a molecular dynamics run.

  • barostat_type :

        type=MEnum('berendsen', 'martyna_tuckerman_tobias_klein', 'nose_hoover', 'parrinello_rahman', 'stochastic_cell_rescaling'),
        The name of the barostat used for temperature control. If skipped or an empty string is used, it
        means no barostat was applied.
        Allowed values are:
        | Barostat Name          | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `""`                   | No thermostat               |
        | `"berendsen"`          | H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma,
        W. F. van Gunsteren, A. DiNola, and J. R. Haak, [J. Chem. Phys.
        **81**, 3684 (1984)]( |
        | `"martyna_tuckerman_tobias_klein"` | G.J. Martyna, M.E. Tuckerman, D.J. Tobias, and M.L. Klein,
        [Mol. Phys. **87**, 1117 (1996)](;
        M.E. Tuckerman, J. Alejandre, R. López-Rendón, A.L. Jochim, and G.J. Martyna,
        [J. Phys. A. **59**, 5629 (2006)](|
        | `"nose_hoover"`        | S. Nosé, [Mol. Phys. **52**, 255 (1984)]
        (; W.G. Hoover, [Phys. Rev. A
        **31**, 1695 (1985) |
        | `"parrinello_rahman"`        | M. Parrinello and A. Rahman,
        [J. Appl. Phys. **52**, 7182 (1981)](;
        S. Nosé and M.L. Klein, [Mol. Phys. **50**, 1055 (1983) |
        | `"stochastic_cell_rescaling"` | M. Bernetti and G. Bussi,
        [J. Chem. Phys. **153**, 114107 (2020)]( |
  • coupling_type :

        type=MEnum('isotropic', 'semi_isotropic', 'anisotropic'),
        Describes the symmetry of pressure coupling. Specifics can be inferred from the `coupling constant`
        | Type          | Description                               |
        | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
        | `isotropic`          | Identical coupling in all directions. |
        | `semi_isotropic` | Identical coupling in 2 directions. |
        | `anisotropic`        | General case. |
  • reference_pressure :

        shape=[3, 3],
        The target pressure for the simulation, stored in a 3x3 matrix, indicating the values for individual directions
        along the diagonal, and coupling between directions on the off-diagonal.
  • coupling_constant :

        shape=[3, 3],
        The time constants for pressure coupling, stored in a 3x3 matrix, indicating the values for individual directions
        along the diagonal, and coupling between directions on the off-diagonal. 0 values along the off-diagonal
        indicate no-coupling between these directions.
  • compressibility :

        shape=[3, 3],
        unit='1 / pascal',
        An estimate of the system's compressibility, used for box rescaling, stored in a 3x3 matrix indicating the values for individual directions
        along the diagonal, and coupling between directions on the off-diagonal. If None, it may indicate that these values
        are incorporated into the coupling_constant, or simply that the software used uses a fixed value that is not available in
        the input/output files.


In the original H5MD schema, units were given as string attributes of datasets, e.g., 60 m s-2. H5MD-NOMAD amends the treatment of units in 2 ways:

  1. If needed, the leading prefactor is stored as a separate attribute of float datatype called unit_factor.

  2. The string that describes the unit should be compatible with the UnitRegistry class of the pint python module.

Generic representation of unit storage in H5MD-NOMAD:

    \-- <dataset>
        +-- (unit: String[])
        +-- (unit_factor: Float)