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How-to publish data

After uploading and a successful parsing, congratulations! Now you can publish your data and let other users browse through it and re-use it for other purposes.

You can define a specific Embargo period of up to 36 months, after which the data will be made publicly available under the CC BY 4.0 license.

After publishing by clicking on PUBLISH, the uploaded files cannot be altered. However, you can still edit the metadata fields.

Organizing data in datasets

You can organize your uploads and individual entries by grouping them into common datasets.

In the uploads page, click on EDIT AUTHOR METADATA OF ALL ENTRIES.

Under Datasets you can either Create a new dataset or Search for an existing dataset. After selecting the dataset, click on SUBMIT.

Now, the defined dataset will be defined under PUBLISH > Datasets.

The icon allows you to assign a DOI to a specific dataset. Once a DOI has been assign to a dataset, no more data can be added to it. This can then be added into your publication so that it can be used as a reference, e.g., see the Data availability statement in M. Kuban et al., Similarity of materials and data-quality assessment by fingerprinting, MRS Bulletin 47, 991-999 (2022).