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Parser structure for computation

Overview of metadata organization for computation

NOMAD stores all processed data in a well defined, structured, and machine readable format, known as the archive. The schema that defines the organization of (meta)data within the archive is known as the MetaInfo. More information can be found in the NOMAD docs: An Introduction to Schemas and Structured Data in NOMAD. The following diagram is an overarching visualization of the most important archive sections for computational data:

├── run
│    ├── method
│    │      ├── atom_parameters
│    │      ├── dft
│    │      ├── forcefield
│    │      └── ...
│    ├── system
│    │      ├── atoms
│    │      │     ├── positions
│    │      │     ├── lattice_vectors
│    │      │     └── ...
│    │      └── ...
│    └── calculation
│           ├── energy
│           ├── forces
│           └── ...
└── workflow
     ├── method
     ├── inputs
     ├── tasks
     ├── outputs
     └── results

The most important section of the archive for computational data is the run section, which is divided into three main subsections: method, system, and calculation. method stores information about the computational model used to perform the calculation.

system stores attributes of the atoms involved in the calculation, e.g., atom types, positions, lattice vectors, etc. calculation stores the output of the calculation, e.g., energy, forces, etc.

The workflow section of the archive then stores information about the series of tasks performed to accumulate the (meta)data in the run section. The relevant input parameters for the workflow are stored in method, while the results section stores output from the workflow beyond observables of single configurations.

I think this better summarizes the general rule. For example, any ensemble-averaged quantity from a molecular dynamics simulation would be stored under workflow/results. Then, the inputs, outputs, and tasks sections define the specifics of the workflow.

For some standard workflows, e.g., geometry optimization and molecular dynamics, the NOMAD normalizers will automatically populate these specifics. The parser must only create the appropriate workflow section.

For non-standard workflows, the parser (or more appropriately the corresponding normalizer) must populate these sections accordingly. More information about the structure of the workflow section, as well as instructions on how to upload custom workflows to link individual Entries in NOMAD, can be found HERE

The following represents the recommended core structure for a computational parser, typically implemented within <parserproject>/


The imports typically include not only the necessary generic python modules, but also the required MetaInfo classes from nomad and additional nomad utilities:

import os
import numpy as np

from nomad.datamodel.metainfo.simulation.system import System, Atoms

from nomad.atomutils import get_molecules_from_bond_list
from nomad.units import ureg

For example, above the classes System and Atoms are imported from the nomad MetaInfo definitions in order to appropriately build and populate the NOMAD archive. The atomutils NOMAD module contains many useful functions for processing computational data. Finally, the UnitRegistry module of pint (imported directly from NOMAD in this case), provides support to defining and converting units.

Parser Classes

class <Parsername><Mainfiletype>Parser(FileParser):
    def __init__(self):

    def file<mainfiletype>(self):
        if self._file_handler is None:
                self._file_handler = <openfilefunction>(self.mainfile, 'rb')
            except Exception:
                self.logger.error('Error reading <mainfiletype> file.')

        return self._file_handler

class <Parsername>Parser:
    def __init__(self):
        self.<mainfiletype>_parser = <Parsername><Mainfiletype>Parser()

The main class for your parser, <Parsername>Parser, will contain the bulk of the parsing routine, described further below. It may be useful to create a distinct class, <Parsername><Mainfiletype>Parser, for dealing with various filetypes that may be parsed throughout the entirety of the routine. However, in the simplest case of a single file type parsed, the entire parser can of course be implemented within a single class.

In the following, we will walk through the layout of the <Parsername>Parser class. First, every parser class should have a "main" function called parse(), which will be called by NOMAD when the appropriate mainfile is found:

def parse(self, filepath, archive, logger):

    self.filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
    self.archive = archive
    self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if logger is None else logger
    self._maindir = os.path.dirname(self.filepath)
    self._<parsername>_files = os.listdir(self._maindir)  # get the list of files in the same directory as the mainfile
    self._basename = os.path.basename(filepath).rsplit('.', 1)[0]


    if self.<mainfileparser>_parser is None:

    sec_run = self.archive.m_create(Run)
    sec_run.program = Program(name='<PARSERNAME>', version='unknown')


Then, the individual functions to populate that various MetaInfo sections can be defined:

def parse_calculation(self):
    sec_run =[-1]
    sec_calc = sec_run.m_create(Calculation)

    # populate calculation metainfo
    # ...

def parse_system(self, frame):
    sec_run =[-1]
    sec_system = sec_run.m_create(System)
    sec_atoms = sec_system.m_create(Atoms)

    # populate system metainfo
    # ...

def parse_method(self, frame):
    sec_method =[-1].m_create(Method)
    sec_force_field = sec_method.m_create(ForceField)
    sec_model = sec_force_field.m_create(Model)

    # populate method metainfo
    # ...

def parse_workflow(self):

    sec_workflow = self.archive.m_create(Workflow)  # for old workflow, should update for workflow2
    # populate workflow metainfo
    # ...

For more information, see Examples - populating the NOMAD archive .