Uploading, changing metadata, and publishing via python API¶
The NOMAD API allows uploading, publishing, etc. using a local python environment, as an alternative to the NOMAD GUI.
We have prepare some simple python functions to facilitate use of this API. For use as demonstrated below, copy the following code into a file called NOMAD_API.py:
import requests
def get_authentication_token(nomad_url, username, password):
'''Get the token for accessing your NOMAD unpublished uploads remotely'''
response = requests.get(
nomad_url + 'auth/token', params=dict(username=username, password=password), timeout=10)
token = response.json().get('access_token')
if token:
return token
print('response is missing token: ')
except Exception:
print('something went wrong trying to get authentication token')
def create_dataset(nomad_url, token, dataset_name):
'''Create a dataset to group a series of NOMAD entries'''
response = requests.post(
nomad_url + 'datasets/',
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
json={"dataset_name": dataset_name},
dataset_id = response.json().get('dataset_id')
if dataset_id:
return dataset_id
print('response is missing dataset_id: ')
except Exception:
print('something went wrong trying to create a dataset')
def upload_to_NOMAD(nomad_url, token, upload_file):
'''Upload a single file for NOMAD upload, e.g., zip format'''
with open(upload_file, 'rb') as f:
response = requests.post(
nomad_url + 'uploads',
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
data=f, timeout=30)
upload_id = response.json().get('upload_id')
if upload_id:
return upload_id
print('response is missing upload_id: ')
except Exception:
print('something went wrong uploading to NOMAD')
def check_upload_status(nomad_url, token, upload_id):
# upload success => returns 'Process publish_upload completed successfully'
# publish success => 'Process publish_upload completed successfully'
response = requests.get(
nomad_url + 'uploads/' + upload_id,
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}, timeout=30)
status_message = response.json().get('data').get('last_status_message')
if status_message:
return status_message
print('response is missing status_message: ')
except Exception:
print('something went wrong trying to check the status of upload' + upload_id)
# upload gets deleted from the upload staging area once published...or in this case something went wrong
def edit_upload_metadata(nomad_url, token, upload_id, metadata):
Example of new metadata:
upload_name = 'Test_Upload_Name'
metadata = {
"metadata": {
"upload_name": upload_name,
"references": ["https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxxx", "http://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx"],
"datasets": dataset_id,
"embargo_length": 0,
"coauthors": ["coauthor@test.de"],
"comment": 'This is a test upload...'
response = requests.post(
nomad_url+'uploads/' + upload_id + '/edit',
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
json=metadata, timeout=30)
return response
except Exception:
print('something went wrong trying to add metadata to upload' + upload_id)
def publish_upload(nomad_url, token, upload_id):
'''Publish an upload'''
response = requests.post(
nomad_url+'uploads/' + upload_id + '/action/publish',
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}', 'Accept': 'application/json'},
return response
except Exception:
print('something went wrong trying to publish upload: ' + upload_id)
Now, we will demonstrate how to use these functions. Within a notebook or python script, import the above functions:
Define the following user information:
Define the NOMAD API endpoint:
# nomad_url = 'https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/api/v1/' # production nomad
nomad_url = 'https://nomad-lab.eu/prod/v1/test/api/v1/' # test nomad (deleted occassionally)
Get a token for accessing your unpublished uploads:
Create a dataset for grouping uploads that belong to, e.g., a publication:
Upload some test data to NOMAD:
Check the status to make sure the upload was processed correctly:
The immediate result may be:
'Waiting for results (level 0)'
After some time you will get:
'Process process_upload completed successfully'
If your upload contains a reasonably sized system or trajectory, you may have to wait some time before the processing finishing. You can call this function intermittantly, e.g., in a while loop with a sleep call in between, waiting for last_status_message
to be "Process process_upload completed successfully"
Now that the upload processing is complete, we can add coauthors, references, and other comments, as well as link to a dataset and provide a proper name for the upload:
metadata = {
"metadata": {
"upload_name": 'Test_Upload',
"references": ["https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0104914", "http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6032826"],
"datasets": dataset_id,
"embargo_length": 0,
"coauthors": ["bereau@thphys.uni-heidelberg.de"],
"comment": 'Test.',
response = edit_upload_metadata(nomad_url, token, upload_id, metadata)
Check the upload again to make sure that the metadata was changed:
'Process edit_upload_metadata completed successfully'
Now, we are ready to publish:
Once again check the status:
'Process publish_upload completed successfully'