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Part 2 - Working with the NOMAD-Simulations schema plugin

In NOMAD, all the simulation metadata is defined under the Simulation section. You can find its Python schema defined in the nomad-simulations repository. The entry point for the schema is defined in src/nomad_simulations/schema_packages/ module. This section will appear under the data section for each NOMAD entry. There is also a specialized documentation page in the nomad-simulations repository.

The Simulation section inherits from a more abstract section or concept called BaseSimulation, which at the same time inherits from another section, Activity.

Inheritance and composition

During this part, we will identify the is a concept with inheritance of one section into another (e.g., a Simulation is an Activity) and the has a concept with composition of one section under another (e.g., a Simulation has a ModelSystem sub-section). Strictly speaking, this equivalency is not entirely true, as we are loosing it in some cases. But for the purpose of learning the complicated rules of inheritance and composition, we will conceptually maintain this equivalency during this Tutorial.

A set of base sections derived from the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is used as the basis for our section definitions. The previous inheritance allows us to define Simulation at the same level of other activities in Materials Science, e.g., Experiment, Measurement, Analysis. We do this in order to achieve a common vocabulary and data standardization with the experimental community. The relationship tree from the most abstract sections upon reaching Simulation is thus:

Note that the white-headed arrow here indicates inheritance / is a relationship. BaseSimulation contains the general information about the Program used (see Program), as well as general time information about the simulation, e.g., the datetime at which it started (datetime is defined within Activity and is inherited by BaseSimulation) and ended (datetime_end). Simulation contains further information about the specific input and output sections (see below).

Notation for the section attributes in the UML diagram

Throughout this documentation page we will use UML diagrams to describe our section / class definitions, as well as to include the information abpit their attributes / quantities including their main definitions. The notation is:

<name-of-quantity>: <type-of-quantity>, <(optional) units-of-quantity>

Thus, cpu1_start: np.float64, s means that there is a quantity named 'cpu1_start' of type numpy.float64 and whose units are 's' (seconds). We also include the existence of sub-sections by bolding the name. For example, there is a sub-section under Simulation named 'model_method' whose section defintion can be found in the ModelMethod section. We will represent this sub-section containment in more complex UML diagrams in the future using the containment arrow (see below for the specific ase of Program).

We use double inheritance from EntryData in order to populate the data section in the NOMAD archive. All of the base sections discussed here are subject to the public normalize function in NOMAD. The private function set_system_branch_depth() is related with the ModelSystem section.

Let's use this knowledge to see how to work with the schema in practice. If you have not already installed nomad-simulations, do so now following the instructions in the Overview.

Assignment 2.1

Create an instance of the Simulation section. Imagine you know that the CPU1 took 24 minutes and 30 seconds on finishing the simulation; can you populate the Simulation section with these times? What is the elapsed time in seconds? And in hours?

Solution 2.1

We can open a Python console:


And import and instantiate the Simulation section:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.general import Simulation
simulation = Simulation()

Now, we can assign the elapsed time of the CPU1 by defining the start and the end quantities, i.e., cpu1_start and cpu1_end. To assign the units, we also need to import the Pint utility class ureg:

from nomad.units import ureg
simulation.cpu1_start = 0 * ureg.second
simulation.cpu1_end = 30 * ureg.second + 24 * ureg.minute

In seconds, the elapsed time can be printed by doing:

simulation.cpu1_end - simulation.cpu1_start
which is 1470 seconds. In hours, we can use the method to('hour'):
(simulation.cpu1_end - simulation.cpu1_start).to('hour')
which give us approximately 0.4083 hours.

Main sub-sections in Simulation

The Simulation section is composed of 4 main sub-sections:

  1. Program: contains all the program metadata, e.g., name of the program, version, etc.
  2. ModelSystem: contains all the system metadata about geometrical positions of atoms, their states, simulation cells, symmetry information, etc.
  3. ModelMethod: contains all the methodological metadata, and is divided in two main aspects: the mathematical model or approximation used in the simulation (e.g., DFT, GW, ForceFields, etc.) and the numerical settings used to compute the properties (e.g., meshes, self-consistent parameters, basis sets settings, etc.).
  4. Outputs: contains all the output properties obtained during the simulation.

Self-consistent steps, SinglePoint entries, and more complex workflows.

The minimal unit for storing data in the NOMAD archive is an entry. In the context of simulation data, an entry may contain data from a calculation on an individual system configuration (e.g., a single-point DFT calculation) using only the above-mentioned sections of the Simulation section. Information from self-consistent iterations to converge properties for this configuration are also contained within these sections.

More complex calculations that involve multiple configurations require the definition of a workflow section within the archive. Depending on the situation, the information from individual workflow steps may be stored within a single or multiple entries. For example, for efficiency, the data from workflows involving a large amount of configurations, e.g., molecular dynamics trajectories, are stored within a single entry. Other standard workflows store the single-point data in separate entries, e.g., a GW calculation is composed of a DFT SinglePoint entry and a GW SinglePoint entry. Higher-level workflows, which simply connect a series of standard or custom workflows, are typically stored as a separate entry. See Part V - Custom Workflows for more information.

The following schematic represents a simplified representation of the Simulation section (note that the arrows here are a simple way of visually defining inputs and outputs):


The Program section contains all the information about the program / software / code used to perform the simulation. The detailed relationship tree is:

Note that the rhombo-headed arrow here indicates a composition / has a relationship, so that BaseSimulation has a Program sub-section under it.

Assignment 2.2

Instantiate a Program section and directly assign the name 'VASP' and the version '5.0.0' quantities. Add this sub-section to the Simulation section created in the Assignment 2.1. Can you re-assign the Program.version quantity to be an integer number, 5?

Solution 2.2

We can import and assign directly quantities of sections by doing:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.general import Program
program = Program(name='VASP', version='5.0.0')

And we can add it as a sub-section of Simulation by assigning the attribute of that class:

simulation.program = program

If we try to re-assign:

program.version = 5
the code will complain with a TypeError:
TypeError: The value 5 with type <class 'int'> for quantity nomad_simulations.schema_packages.general.Program.version:Quantity is not of type <class 'str'>
This is because in the defintion of the class Program and the Quantity:version, we defined the type to be a string. So answering the question: no, it is not possible to re-assign version to be an integer due to the fact that is defined to be a string.


The ModelMethod section is an input section which contains all the information about the mathematical model used to perform the simulation. In NOMAD, we can extend the support of certain methods by inheriting from ModelMethod and extend the schema for the new methodology. ModelMethod also contains a specialized sub-section called NumericalSettings. The detailed relationship tree is:

ModelMethod is thus a sub-section under Simulation. It inherits from an abstract section BaseModelMethod, as well as containing a sub-section called contributions of the same section. The underlying idea of ModelMethod is to parse the input parameters of the mathematical model, typically a Hamiltonian. This total Hamiltonian or model could be split into individual sub-terms or contributions. Each of the electronic-structure methodologies inherit from ModelMethodElectronic, which contains a boolean is_spin_polarized indicating if the Simulation is spin polarized or not. The different levels of abstractions are useful when dealing with commonalities amongst the methods.

Assignment 2.3

Instantiate a DFT section. For simplicity, you can also assign the jacobs_ladder quantity to be 'LDA'. Add this sub-section to the Simulation section created in the Assignment 2.1. What is the underlying concept that allows you to add directly the class DFT under Simulation.model_method, provided that the definition of this attribute is a ModelMethod sub-section? Can you reason why the current schema (version 0.0.2) is inconsistent in handling the xc_functionals contributions?

Solution 2.3

Similarly to Assignment 2.2, we can import and create the DFT section:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.model_method import DFT
dft = DFT(jacobs_ladder='LDA')

This time, due to the fact that Simulation.model_method is a repeating sub-section (i.e., a list of sub-sections), we need to append dft instead of directly assigning the attribute:


Thanks to inheritance of class DFT with ModelMethod and polymorphism, we can directly append dft as a model_method sub-section.

The current schema is also a bit inconsistent due to the fact that BaseModelMethod has a sub-section called contributions, while DFT has also a sub-section called xc_functionals, hence both sub-sections live at the same time under the section DFT. Conceptually, both sub-sections are the same: they refer to a sub-term or contribution of the total DFT Hamiltonian, thus, their definitions should be combined, and only one sub-section should be used. The best action here would be to open an issue in the nomad-simulations Github repository, or directly contact the maintainers.


The NumericalSettings section is an abstract section used to define the numerical parameters set during the simulation, e.g., the plane-wave basis cutoff used, the k-mesh, etc. These parameters can be defined into specialized classes which inherit from NumericalSettings (similar to what happens with all the electronic-structure methodologies and ModelMethod). The detailed relationship tree is:

Assignment 2.4

Instantiate a SelfConsistency section and assign the quantity threshold_change to be 1e-3 and the threshold_change_unit to be 'joule'. Add this sub-section to the DFT section created in the Assignment 2.3. Is the new information also stored in the Simulation section created in Assignment 2.1? Can you access the information of the Jacobs ladder string used in this simulation starting from the newly instantiated class?

Solution 2.4

We can import and create the class SelfConsistency, assign the specified quantities, and append it under dft:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.numerical_settings import SelfConsistency
scf = SelfConsistency(threshold_change=1e-3, threshold_change_unit='joule')

In order to see if scf is showing directly under simulation, we can:

which indeed returns:
[SelfConsistency:SelfConsistency(name, threshold_change, threshold_change_unit)]

In order to go from scf to the dft.jacobs_ladder information, we need to go one level up with respect to scf. In order to do this, we can use the method m_parent:

which will return:


The ModelSystem section is an input section which contains all the information about the geometrical space quantities (positions, lattice vectors, volumes, etc) of the simulated system. This section contains various quantities and sub-sections which aim to describe the system in the most complete way and in a variety of cases, from unit cells of crystals and molecules up to microstructures. In order to handle this hierarchical structure, ModelSystem is nested over itself, i.e., a ModelSystem can be composed of sub-systems, which at the same time could be composed of smaller sub-systems, and so on. This is done thanks to the (proxy) sub-section attribute called model_system.

The Cell sub-section is an important section which contains information of the simulated cell, including the lattice_vectors and the positions of the particles within. However, it does not contain specific information about these particles, e.g., their chemical identity or electronic state, as this is the responsability of a more specialized section, the AtomicCell. This section stores the relevant information about each of the atoms constituting the material via the AtomsState sub-section. The Symmetry sub-section contains standard symmetry classifications of the system, while the ChemicalFormula sub-section stores various strings that allow the system to be identified in a specific format of the chemical formulas (IUPAC, Hill, etc).

The detailed relationship tree is:

The Entity abstract section is defined in the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) similar to Activity, and we use it to abstract our ModelSystem. In fact, ModelSystem is inheriting from an intermediate abstract section called System. This base section, System, is also used by the experimental data models to define the composition and structure of the measured materials.

GeometricSpace and simulated cells.

The abstract section GeometricSpace is used to define more general real space quantities related with the system of reference used, areas, lengths, volumes, etc. However, this section and Cell are currently (version 0.0.2) under revision and will probably change in the near future.

AtomsState and other sub-sections

The AtomsState section is a list of sub-sections within AtomicCell, corresponding to the list of particles specified by the positions array defined under Cell. Each AtomsState section contains information about a specific chemical element used in the simulation, and may also contain additional OrbitalsState, CoreHole, or HubbardInteractions information. The detailed relationship tree is:

Assignment 2.5

Instantiate two AtomsState sections and assign the chemical_symbol to be 'Ga' and 'As' for each of these sections. For this assignment, we also need to define a logger object in order for the functionalities to work:

from nomad import utils
logger = utils.get_logger(__name__)
Using a method of AtomsState, what is the atomic number of Ga and of As?

Solution 2.5

We can import and create two instances of AtomsState and assign chemical_symbol in a variety of ways. In this case, we used list comprehension:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.atoms_state import AtomsState
atoms_states = [AtomsState(chemical_symbol=element) for element in ['Ga', 'As']]

For each of the atoms, we can use the class method resolve_atomic_number(logger) which will directly return the atomic number of each section:

[atom.resolve_atomic_number(logger=logger) for atom in atoms_states]
which returns:
[31, 33]
Hence, the atomic number of Ga is 31 and of As is 33.

Assignment 2.6

Instantiate a ModelSystem section and a AtomicCell section. Assign the positions in the AtomicCell section to be [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] in meters. Add the atoms_states defined in the Assignment 2.5 under the AtomicCell section. Append this AtomicCell section under ModelSystem, and append ModelSystem to the Simulation section created in Assignment 2.1.

Now, we want to extract the different formats in which the chemical formulas of this system can be written. For that, instantiate directly the ChemicalFormula sub-section under ModelSystem. Note: you can use the ChemicalFormula.normalize(archive, logger) method, and pass archive=None to this function.

What are the different formats of the chemical formula? What is the string of the descriptive format and why it coincides with other format(s) in the sub-section?

Solution 2.6

We can import and create instances of ModelSystem and AtomicCell and assign the corresponding quantities directly:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.model_system import ModelSystem, AtomicCell
model_system = ModelSystem()
atomic_cell = AtomicCell(atoms_state=atoms_states, positions=[[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]] * ureg.meter)

We can append this section to Simulation:


We can now assign directly an empty ChemicalFormula section to ModelSystem, in order to be able to call for the specific class method:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.model_system import ChemicalFormula
model_system.chemical_formula = ChemicalFormula()

In order to extract the formulas and assign them to the quantities of the section ChemicalFormula, we can use the method normalize(). This class method takes two arguments as inputs: archive and logger. For the purpose of this tutorial, we can set archive=None:

model_system.chemical_formula.normalize(archive=None, logger=logger)

Now, the ChemicalFormula sub-section contains the information of the different formats for the chemical formula: reduced and hill are both 'AsGa', while iupac is 'GaAs'. The descriptive formula is set depending on the chemical elements present in the system, and because neither 'H' nor 'O' is present (i.e., no organic formulas), and gallium arsenide does not belong to any format exceptions, then it is set to the inorganic typical formula 'GaAs', coinciding with iupac. The anonymous formula is 'AB'.


The Outputs section contains all the information about the properties computed by the simulations, as well as references to the relevant ModelMethod and ModelSystem. Each property is stored individually under Outputs, and inherits from an abstract section call PhysicalProperty. The PhysicalProperty base section contains the value of the property along with other relevant quantities. The variables sub-section enables the physical property to be stored as a function of a varying parameter. Accordingly, the shape of value is calculated in a dynamic way. This means that the same physical property (e.g., ElectronicBandGap) could have different shapes depending on the use-case being parsed (e.g., a single scalar number or a set of varying scalars with respect to a variable, e.g., Temperature).

The Outputs section can be further specialized into SCFOutputs in case the properties are calculated in a series of self-consistent steps. The steps are stored under a sub-section called scf_steps, while the last step and other non-self-consistently calculated properties are stored directly under SCFOutputs. The reference to the SelfConsistency section (see NumericalSettings) allows us to automatically determine if a self-consistently calculated property is converged or not.

The detailed relationship tree is:

Assignment 2.7

Instantiate an SCFOutputs section. We are going to store a self-consistently calculated FermiLevel, whose values at each step are [1, 1.5, 2, 2.1, 2.101] in eV. Add the appropiate references to the ModelMethod and ModelSystem sections created in Assignment 2.3 and Assignment 2.6, respectively. For the self-consistently calculated FermiLevel section, add the reference to the section SelfConsistency created in Assignment 2.4.

Check if the FermiLevel is self-consistently converged or not by using a class method from SCFOutputs. What happens if the SelfConsistency.threshold_change is now 1e-24?

Solution 2.7

We can import and create an instance of SCFOutputs and append it to simulation:

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.outputs import SCFOutputs
scf_outputs = SCFOutputs()

We can add the references to the other ModelMethod and ModelSystem sections by doing:

scf_outputs.model_method_ref = simulation.model_method[0]
scf_outputs.model_system_ref = simulation.model_system[0]

Now, we need to create the scf_steps sub-sections with the information of the FermiLevel steps and their values. For that,

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.outputs import Outputs
from import FermiLevel
for value in [1, 1.5, 2, 2.1, 2.101]:
    fermi_level = FermiLevel()
    fermi_level.value = value * ureg.eV
Note that:

  1. The properties like fermi_levels are repeated sub-sections under Outputs, so we need to assign a list.
  2. The scf_steps sub-sections are Outputs, hence we need to import the Outputs section and append it to that attribute.

We also need to add the last step directly under scf_outputs and add the reference to the SelfConsistency section:

scf_outputs.fermi_levels.append(FermiLevel(value=2.101 * ureg.eV, self_consistency_ref=simulation.model_method[0].numerical_settings[0]))

In order to check if the FermiLevel is converged or not, we can use the class method resolve_is_scf_converged(). This method has various inputs that are explained in the method itself. Here we will simply use the function like:

scf_outputs.resolve_is_scf_converged(property_name='fermi_levels', i_property=0, physical_property=scf_outputs.fermi_levels[0], logger=logger)
which indeed returns
So the FermiLevel is converged.

Now, if we set:

scf.threshold_change = 1e-24
And re-run the resolve_is_scf_converged() method, we can see that the FermiLevel is not self-consistenly converged:

The reason for this is that, in joules, the last two self-consistent steps (where the Fermi level is 2.1 and 2.101 eV) have a difference which can be also computed with another class method:

scf_values = scf_outputs.get_last_scf_steps_value(scf_last_steps=scf_outputs.scf_steps[-2:], property_name='fermi_levels', i_property=0, scf_parameters=scf, logger=logger)
abs(scf_values[0] - scf_values[1])
which returns:
Then, a threshold_change of 1e-24 is smaller than the difference, so that the FermiLevel is not converged.

Assignment 2.8

We are going to store two ElectronicBandGap property sections under the SCFOutputs section created in the Assignment 2.7:

  • An ElectronicBandGap whose value is 2 eV.
  • An ElectronicBandGap varying with Temperature, whose values are [1, 1.5, 2] in eV for [100, 150, 200] temperatures in Kelvin.

In the second situation of an electronic band gap which varies with the Temperature, what happens if you directly assign value before defining the Temperature variables sub-section in ElectronicBandGap?

Solution 2.8

We can import the ElectronicBandGap property and assign the first case of an electronic band gap which is 2 eV:

from import ElectronicBandGap
band_gap = ElectronicBandGap()
band_gap.value = 2 * ureg.eV

We can do the same for the temperature-dependent band gap by importing and defining the Temperature variable sub-section (note that variables is a repeated sub-section, thus we need to assign a list):

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.variables import Temperature
band_gap_T = ElectronicBandGap(variables=[Temperature(points=[100, 150, 200] * ureg.kelvin)])
band_gap_T.value = [1, 1.5, 2] * ureg.eV

Here, we have assigned first variables before the value of the property. However, if we want to assign first the value:

band_gap_T = ElectronicBandGap()
band_gap_T.value = [1, 1.5, 2] * ureg.eV
we will get a ValueError due to the fact that variables is not set and the shape of value is not empty:
ValueError: The shape of the stored `value` [3] does not match the full shape [] extracted from the variables `n_points` and the `shape` defined in `PhysicalProperty`.

Thus, the variables sub-sections must be set before setting the value of a physical property. This is because the class PhysicalProperty is doing validations on the shape of the variables and value, and it only works if variables is set first. Only when the shape of value is empty and due to the fact that variables is set by default to an empty list, then we would not get any error.

Extra: The normalize() class function

Each base section defined using the NOMAD schema has a set of public functions which can be used at any moment when reading and parsing files in NOMAD. The normalize(archive, logger) function is a special case of such functions, which warrants an in-depth description.

This function is run within the NOMAD infrastructure by the MetainfoNormalizer in the following order:

  1. A child section's normalize() function is run before its parents' normalize() function.
  2. For sibling sections, the normalize() function is executed from the smaller to the larger normalizer_level attribute. If normalizer_level is not set or if they are the same for two different sections, the order is established by the attributes definition order in the parent section.
  3. Using super().normalize(archive, logger) runs the inherited section normalize function.

Let's see some examples. Imagine having the following Section and SubSection structure:

from import ArchiveSection

class Section1(ArchiveSection):
    normalizer_level = 1

    def normalize(self, achive, logger):
        # some operations here

class Section2(ArchiveSection):
    normalizer_level = 0

    def normalize(self, achive, logger):
        super().normalize(archive, logger)
        # Some operations here or before `super().normalize(archive, logger)`

class ParentSection(ArchiveSection):

    sub_section_1 = SubSection(Section1.m_def, repeats=False)

    sub_section_2 = SubSection(Section2.m_def, repeats=True)

    def normalize(self, achive, logger):
        super().normalize(archive, logger)
        # Some operations here or before `super().normalize(archive, logger)`

Now, MetainfoNormalizer will be run on the ParentSection. Applying rule 1, the normalize() functions of the ParentSection's childs are executed first. The order of these functions is established by rule 2 with the normalizer_level atrribute, i.e., all the Section2 (note that sub_section_2 is a list of sections) normalize() functions are run first, then Section1.normalize(). Then, the order of execution will be:

  1. Section2.normalize()
  2. Section1.normalize()
  3. ParentSection.normalize()

In case we do not assign a value to Section1.normalizer_level and Section2.normalizer_level, Section1.normalize() will run first before Section2.normalize(), due to the order of SubSection attributes in ParentSection. Thus the order will be in this case:

  1. Section1.normalize()
  2. Section2.normalize()
  3. ParentSection.normalize()

By checking on the normalize() functions and rule 3, we can establish whether ArchiveSection.normalize() will be run or not. In Section1.normalize(), it will not, while in the other sections, Section2 and ParentSection, it will.