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Part 3 - Creating Parser Plugins from Scratch

One of NOMAD's most recognized features is drag-and-drop parsing. The NOMAD parsers, which automate the conversion of raw simulation files into the standardized NOMAD format, significantly offload the burden of data annotation from researchers, reducing their data management responsibilities while also improving the accessibility of their data.

Behind the scenes, parsing beings with looking through the upload folder and selecting relevant files. These files are then read in and their data extracted. Lastly, the semantics of the file format are clarified and specified as its data is mapped into the NOMAD schema. The data is now ready to interact with the NOMAD ecosystem and apps.

Fundamentals of Parsing

As parsing involves the mapping between two well-defined formats, one could expect it to be trivial. In practice, however, parser developers have to manage discrepancies in semantics, shape, data type or units. This has lead to five distinct categories of responsibility for the developer to manage. Here, they are ordered to match the parser's execution:

  1. file selection - navigate the upload's folder structure and select the relevant files.
  2. source extraction - read the files into Python. This step may already include some level of data field filtering.
  3. source to target - map the data of interest with their counterparts in the target/NOMAD schema. This is where the bulk of the filtering happens.
  4. data mangling - manipulate the data to match the target/NOMAD Quantitys' specification, e.g. dimensionality, shape. This may include computing derived properties not present in the original source files.
  5. archive construction - build up a Python EntryArchive object using the classes provided by the target/NOMAD schema. NOMAD will automatically write and commit it to the database as an archive.json

Blurring these responsibilities leads to a wild-growth in parser design and added complexity, especially in larger, more feature-rich parsers. NOMAD therefore offers powerful tools and documentation on best practices to help the parser developer manage each distinct responsibility. The exact solutions are, in the same order:

  1. MatchingParser - This class selects the file to be parsed. Since it interfaces with the NOMAD base directly, it will read in most of the settings automatically from there.
  2. XMLParser and co. / TextParser - There are several reader classes for loading common source formats into Python data types. Examples include the XMLParser and HDF5Parser. We will demonstrate XMLParser in Parsing Hierarchical Tree Formats. Plain text files, meanwhile, involve an additional matching step via the TextParser. More on this in From Text to Hierarchies.
  3. MappingAnnotationModel - This is arguably the most involved part for the parser developer, as this is where the external data gets further semantically enriched and standardized. It requires domain expertise to understand the relationship between the data fields in the source file and the NOMAD-Simulations schema. If step 2 went well, step 3 could just involve annotating the target/NOMAD schema. We show how this is conceptually possible with MappingAnnotationModel in Mapping a to Schema, but note that it still at the prototype stage.
  4. NOMAD-Simulations schema / MappingAnnotationModel - The MSections and in the schema provide normalizers and helper functions to alleviate most of the data mangling. For small amendments, use the mapping approach described in Via Mapping. For larger ones, consider extending the schema as covered in Extending NOMAD-Simulations.
  5. MetainfoParser - this converter bridges the annotated schema from step 3 with the reader classes in step 2. MetainfoParser.data_object contains the final ArchiveSection that is stored under

In the next section, we will briefly illustrate how MatchingParser, XMLParser, and MetainfoParser interconnect, as well as flesh out some setup details.

Starting a Plugin Project

To create your own parser plugin, visit our plugin template and click the “Use this template” button. Follow the How to get started with plugins documentation for detailed setup instructions. The template will appear bare-bones at the start. Following the instructions in the and the cruft setup will allow you to tune the project to your needs.

By the end, your repository should look like the example below. Make sure to include both a parsers and a schema_packages folder. Each file parser under parsers gets its own .py file. For schemas, one file typically suffices, unless you want to heavily extend them (see Extending NOMAD-Simulations). Note that and just act as a blueprints. They should not be edited or exposed directly.

The should remain a copy of the template, in case anyone wants to fork the project. Instead, place plugin descriptions in the entry points or GitHub repository metadata. More elaborate explanations should go under docs. You can deploy them on GitHub or locally via mkdocs. Lastly, NOMAD uses the Apache 2.0 license (option 4 in the cruft setup). Please select the same license for maximal legal compatibility.

└── nomad-plugin-parser/
    ├── src/
    │   └── nomad_plugin_parser/
    │       ├──
    │       ├── parsers/
    │       │   ├──     (entry point)
    │       │   └──     (target functionality)
    │       └── schema_packages/
    │           ├──
    │           └──    (extending the schema)
    ├── docs/
    ├── tests/
    ├── pyproject.toml              (publication specifications)
    └── LICENSE.txt

├── nomad.yaml                      (NOMAD configurations)

This examples also highlights the files containing entry point information between parentheses. Entry points are the official mechanism for pip installing modules. Just note that their referencing runs bottom up, i.e. from the publication specifications to the entry point itself, and from thereon to the target functionality.

Once the plugin is ready, you can add it to your local NOMAD deployment. We recommend you to read the details in the NOMAD documentation page regarding installing plugins in NOMAD Oasis. The NOMAD configurations refers back to the publication specifications to load plugins in your local NOMAD installation. It allows you to control the loading of plugins and their options, however, normally you don't have to touch anything there for NOMAD to pick up on your parser.

Managing Entry Points

What are they?

The plugin setup follows the common entry-points Python standard from importlib.metadata. It works in tandem with pip install to allow for a more elegant and controlled way of exposing and loading (specific functionalities in) modules. Entry points also provide the module developer tools for controlling how it ought to be exposed to the environment, e.g. name, description, configuration.

Relation with the Python Environment

Contrary to regular dependencies, entry points are visible at a system-wide level, even when installed in a local environment. You can therefore choose whether to install plugins in their own environment, or construct a shared one (with the NOMAD base). We recommend the former to prevent dependency clashing.

Key Players

Conceptually, there are five roles to keep track off:

  • target functionality: the entity that we want to expose to the NOMAD base installation. In our case, this will amount to our parser class, which typically is a child class of MatchingParser. It may use configurations parameters passed along via the nomad settings.
  • entry point: instance of EntryPoint, responsible for registering the target functionality. It therefore also retains metadata like its name, a description and most importantly, the file matching directives. It is typically located in the of the relevant functionality folder (see folder structure).
    • entry point group: bundles several entry points together. By default, NOMAD scans all plugins under the group name project.entry-points.'nomad.plugin'.
  • publication specifications: exposes the entry point (and its group) under the format of <module_name>.<object_name>:<entry_point_name>. This is the name by which you should refer to it within the entry point system. For importing the within a Python script, use only <module_name>.<object_name>. In NOMAD we use the pyproject.toml setup file under the module's root folder.
  • NOMAD configurations: called in nomad.yaml, controls which entry points are included or excluded, as well as their configuration parameters.

Assembling a Parser Class

Throughout this subsection, we will provide a step-by-step guide of the process for building out a parser using the VASP XML output format as an example. For an overview of the code in its complete form, you can check out the official repository. Make sure to fork it in case you want to track your modifications. The code snippets provided below should are located under src/nomad_parser_vasp/parsers/, in a file clarifying the intended extension,

Hooking up a Parser

As denoted in step 1, the parser first has to read in the file contents as passed through by the NOMAD base. The directives for selecting mainfiles are passed on via an interaction cascade from nomad.yaml > ParserEntryPoint > MatchingParser.

What are mainfiles?

Mainfiles are files by which an expert / program can determine the code used / the parser to use. The selection directives (see below) target these files specifically. Their file paths are passed on to the parser, which can either process them or navigate the folder for other, auxiliary files.

Mainfile Matching

Since mainfiles are intrinsically connected to the scripts that parse them, the directives should be set via ParserEntryPoint. In rare cases, however, an Oasis admin may decide to override these selection directives via the nomad.yaml. We publish our VASP XML parser in src/nomad_parser_vasp/parsers/ as

from nomad.config.models.plugins import ParserEntryPoint

class VasprunXMLEntryPoint(ParserEntryPoint):
    def load(self):
        from nomad_parser_vasp.parsers.xml_parser import VasprunXMLParser
        return VasprunXMLParser(**self.dict())

xml_entry_point = VasprunXMLEntryPoint(
    name='VasprunXML Parser',
    description='Parser for VASP output in XML format.',

load comes from the entry point system and should just return our parser (see below). The entry point itself specifies parser data and the directives. There are three kinds of file aspects that can be targeted, all via regular expressions (regex):

  • mainfile_name_re - the filename itself.
  • mainfile_contents_re, mainfile_contents_dict - the file contents. It is by default restricted to the first 1024 bytes, i.e. the file header.
  • mainfile_mime_re - the file mime.

Assignment 3.1

XML is a common file extension, and the user may remove vasprun from the name. Swap out mainfile_name_re for a different selection directive.

Solution 3.1

VASP XML typically starts with the tags

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
You can capture this via mainfile_contents_re in a regex like
r'<\?xml version="1\.0" encoding="ISO\-8859\-1"?>\n<modeling>

Mainfile Interfacing

Within the cascade, MatchingParser, acts as the connection point on the parser side. It plays less of a role in manipulating the directives, and more so in defining the interface —a formalization of mutually agreed upon behavior— back to the parser. The two main specifications are instantiation and parse. Since MatchingParser already defines both, parsers may simply inherit therefrom. The most rudimentary parser, thus looks as follows:

from nomad.parsing import MatchingParser
class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
Running your Parser


In everyday NOMAD use, the user only interacts with NOMAD via the GUI or API. NOMAD will regulate parsing as the user uploads via these channels.


During development, the command line is probably the preferable option, as you can load changes faster and incorporate it into your favorite test setups. To print the archive to the terminal, use nomad parse --show-archive <mainfile>. If you already know which parser to use, add the --parser 'parser/<parser or entry point name>' flag. To list all options, type nomad parse --help. Note that even the command line passes through the NOMAD base, so make sure to have it installed and set up correctly.


If you are using Jupyter Notebook, you can manipulate data in a head-on way without NOMAD base as an intermediary. Note that this enntails providing the parsing input yourself, as well as manually triggering normalization. A template setup looks something like:

from nomad.datamodel import EntryArchive
from nomad.client.processing import parse
from nomad.client import normalize_all
from nomad.normalizing.metainfo import MetainfoNormalizer
from <parser_plugin>.parser import <ParserPlugin>

p = ParserPlugin()
a = EntryArchive()

# parsing ONLY
p.parse(<mainfile>, a, logger=None)

# parsing + full normalization
a = parse(<mainfile>)

# parsing + schema-only normalization
p.parse(<mainfile>, a, logger=None)

NOMAD can already run this parser, but will raise a NotImplementedError. The interface may be defined, but we still need to fill in the actual parsing by overwriting the default parse(...) function. That is for the next section.

Getting the Data

Where MatchingParser provides a path to the mainfiles, a separate parser is needed for actually reading the file contents. NOMAD already provides several parsers for popular, general-purpose formats like JSON, HDF5, and XML. Plain text is also supported, but a bit more involved. We cover it in section From Text to Hierarchies.

Contrary to MatchingParser, none of these parsers interface directly with the NOMAD base. For example, they do not support the parse(...) function. Therefore, our parser has to call XMLParser. The typical strategy here is to save the reader object for later manipulation. In the example below, we read in the whole file. The XPath syntax also supports subbranch extraction, which can be incrementally added to the reader object.

from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger
from nomad.datamodel.datamodel import EntryArchive
from nomad.parsing.file_parser.xml_parser import XMLParser

class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        self, mainfile: str, archive: EntryArchive, logger: BoundLogger,
        child_archives: dict[str, EntryArchive] = None,
    ) -> None:
        xml_reader = XMLParser(mainfile=mainfile).parse('/*')  # XPath syntax = xml_reader._results
To Return or not to Return

Should parse(...) return a filled out EntryArchive object to the NOMAD base or rather overwrite archive? Its type signature, i.e. -> None, denotes that it should in fact not return any output.

In NOMAD, we use type signatures as much as possible. They are also tested in our CI/CD, which might request adding them in cases where types cannot be inferred.

The NotImplementedError is now resolved. Running the parser results in a new error, however, AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'm_parent'. This may look discouraging, but progress was made! The data has been successfully extracted: check xml_reader._results. The issue stems from data not yet meeting the high-quality standards of the NOMAD schema. In the next section, we convert it.

What is the Archive?

An archive is a (typically empty) storage object for an entry. It is populated by the parser and later on serialized into an archive.json file by NOMAD for permanent storage.

It has five sections, but for novel parsers we are solely interested in data and workflow.

  • metainfo: internal NOMAD metadata registering who uploaded the data and when is was uploaded. This is handled completely automatically by the NOMAD base.
  • results: the data indexed and ready to query at full database scale. It is automatically produced from worfklow, data, and run.
  • workflow: some entries coordinate other entries. This section coordinates the . For more, see Interfacing complex simulations.
  • data: the new section detailing all extracted values. It comes with the updated schema presented in NOMAD-Simulations schema plugin.
  • run: the predecessor to data. It should only be targeted by legacy parsers, and has been marked for deprecation.
Communicating via Logs

Each entry has an associated log. These communicate info or warnings about the processing, as well as debugging info and (critical) errors for tracing bugs. Include the latter when contacting us regarding any processing issues.

Here, we use the logger object to inform which parser was called.

from nomad.config import config

configuration = config.get_plugin_entry_point(

class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        self, mainfile: str, archive: EntryArchive, logger: BoundLogger,
        child_archives: dict[str, EntryArchive] = None,
    ) -> None:'VasprunXMLParser.parse', parameter=configuration.parameter)

From Parser to NOMAD

We conceptualize format conversion as restructuring a hierarchical data tree, formally known as a directed acyclic graph. A tree structure always starts at a common node, the root, where it splits of into several branches. Each node is a new potential splitting point. When a branch ends and no further splitting occurs, we call the node a leaf.

The restructuring may then be defined in terms of lining up source with target nodes. The only missing component then are the mappings themselves.

Via Instantiation

There are two ways of populating the NOMAD schema. The most basic one, on which you can always fall back, consists in reconstructing it from the root down to the leaf nodes. Given that the new NOMAD Simulations schema is quite shallow, this becomes more so a task in retrieving the section that best matches the semantics. The tree representation in the example below could be understood as

      /       \
 Program      ModelSystem
  /   \           |
name version  AtomicCell

In the parser code itself, the sections and quantities are both just classes. We thus construct a tree of their objects by instantiating them one-by-one.

from nomad.units import ureg

class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        mainfile: str,
        archive: EntryArchive,
        logger: BoundLogger,
        child_archives: dict[str, EntryArchive] = None,
    ) -> None:
        xml_reader = XMLParser(mainfile=mainfile)

        def xml_get(path: str):
            return xml_reader.parse(path)._results[path] = Simulation(
                    positions=np.float64(xml_get("structure[@name='finalpos']/./varray[@name='positions']/v")[0]) * ureg.angstrom,
Data Type Conversion

NOMAD strictly enforces Quantity types like np.int32, np.float64, np.complex128, str, etc. These do no necessarily include all concepts from the typing or numpy module. List, for example, is controlled via the Quantity.shape attribute.

Note that you should apply the proper type before storing the quantity value, as conversions that lead to loss of precision are returned as errors, e.g. int cannot be readily cast into np.float64.

The final archive.json will look something like the following. Obviously, the exact values depend on the file parsed.

  "data": {
    "m_def": "nomad_simulations.general.Simulation",
    "program": {
      "name": "VASP",
      "version": "5.3.2"
    "model_system": [
        "datetime": "2024-07-08T13:25:23.509517+00:00",
        "branch_depth": 0,
        "cell": [
            "m_def": "nomad_simulations.model_system.AtomicCell",
            "name": "AtomicCell",
            "positions": [
  "metadata": {
    "entry_name": "vasprun.xml.relax",
    "mainfile": "/home/nathan/Downloads/vasprun.xml.relax",
    "text_search_contents": [
    "domain": "dft",
    "n_quantities": 21,
    "quantities": [
    "sections": [
    "section_defs": [
        "id": "data.model_system.branch_depth#nomad_simulations.general.Simulation",
        "definition": "nomad_simulations.model_system.ModelSystem.branch_depth",
        "path_archive": "data.model_system.0.branch_depth",
        "int_value": 0
  "results": {
    "properties": {},
    "eln": {
      "sections": [

Assignment 3.2

AtomicCell should also contain information about the lattice vectors —reciprocal lattice vectors are derived— and periodic boundary conditions. Add these to the instantiation, knowing that the lattice vectors fall under <structure><crystal><varray name="basis" >. The boundary conditions, meanwhile, are always periodic in VASP.

Solution 3.2

The new ModelSystem().cell attribute now reads as:

    periodic_boundary_conditions=[True] * 3,

This example shows a declarative approach to object instantiation: any quantity/subsection listed under a section in the schema can be directly passed to the constructor. Or course, the existence of section may be contingent on one and another.

If no finalpos are extracted —maybe due to a premature termination— neither should model_system be populated. In this case, it is better to set the section attribute after constructing the main skeleton.

Updating the Getter

Given our modifications, xml_get should now also be in charge of failure signaling. Depending on the type expected, we may use None or []. To prevent IndexError when extracting, we also pass the array slice(...) along as an argument.


class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        def xml_get(path: str, slicer=slice(0, 1), fallback=None):
                return xml_reader.parse(path)._results[path][slicer]
            except KeyError:
                return fallback
 = Simulation(...)

        if (
            positions := xml_get(
                    cell=[AtomicCell(positions=np.float64(positions) * ureg.angstrom)]

Be mindful of the distinction between single/repeating sections, as they determine the interface, i.e. assignment/appending. NOMAD will raise errors like Exception has occurred: TypeError - Subsection model_method repeats, but no list was given.

Another strategy is success short-circuiting, where code cycles through several trials until it encounters the first success. An real-world use case is how VASP uses different tags to distinguish density functionals at varying rungs on Jacob's Ladder (that require other routines), e.g. LSDA, GGA, METAGGA. PBE (GGA rung) is the defaults fall-back.

Since all NOMAD sections are convertible to dict, one can generate a get chain trying out the least likely examples up until the default value (PE in this case).


class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        ... = Simulation(
                                    "///separator[@name='electronic exchange-correlation']/i[@name='LSDA']"
                                    "///separator[@name='electronic exchange-correlation']/i[@name='METAGGA']"
                                    "///separator[@name='electronic exchange-correlation']/i[@name='GGA']"

Lastly, if at any point you require a derived property for your parser logic, you can normalize() the section and extract it. Just ensure to pass through the necessary information at the instantiation. The NOMAD base will anyhow invoke normalization, so do not feel responsible for normalizing the entire archive.

The Sense and Nonsense of Readers

In the examples above we fixated on the XMLParser, which really is more of a "reader", as it does not interface with NOMAD base directly. Instead, its only purpose is to make the file data accessible to Python.

As such, a pragmatic attitude dictates that if you have more affinity for another reader, e.g. lxml, BeautifulSoup, h5py (demonstrated in the Schema Plugin part), etc. Just mind the dependencies. Indeed, XMLParser itself is based on ElementTree, and just extends the reading into dict. Feel free to similarly add logic to your own readers above the parsing class. This sums up the legacy approach.

Note that the alternative approach shown in Mapping Annotations on the Schema side does require specific NOMAD base converters for interacting with the NOMAD schema.

Via Mapping

DISCLAIMER: the code and functionalities covered in this section are still under construction and only serve as an illustration of the underlying concepts. Stay tuned for updates.

The second option is to have the instantiation run automatically. In that case, the mapping is added directly to our schema as an annotation. Leveraging this enhanced schema requires some new readers, like mapping_parser.XMLParser for the XML side and MetainfoParser for the schema side. The mapping is thus relegated to schema_packages/, leaving parsers/ as:

from structlog.stdlib import BoundLogger
from nomad.datamodel.datamodel import EntryArchive
from nomad.config import config
from nomad.parsing import MatchingParser
from nomad.parsing.file_parser.mapping_parser import MetainfoParser, XMLParser
from nomad_parser_vasp.schema_packages.vasp_schema import Simulation

configuration = config.get_plugin_entry_point(

class VasprunXMLParser(MatchingParser):
    def parse(
        self, mainfile: str, archive: EntryArchive, logger: BoundLogger,
        child_archives: dict[str, EntryArchive] = None,
    ) -> None:'VasprunXMLParser.parse', parameter=configuration.parameter)
        data_parser = MetainfoParser(annotation_key='xml', data_object=Simulation())
        XMLParser(filepath=mainfile).convert(data_parser) = data_parser.data_object

Look at the power of this technique: this is the full parser! We only need to provide the root object, i.e. Simulation, from which to start the instantiation procedure.

Mapping Annotations on the Schema side

DISCLAIMER: the code and functionalities covered in this section are still under construction and only serve as an illustration of the underlying concepts. Stay tuned for updates.

So how do the annotations to the schema look like? Firstly, only attributes of ArchiveSection, i.e. Quantity (i.e. leaf nodes) or SubSection (i.e. branching nodes), have to be annotated. Adding annotations is as simple as extending a dictionary: <section_name>.<attribute_name>.m_annotations[<tag_name>] = MappingAnnotationModel(...).

The overall strategy is thus to annotate path mappings starting from Simulation and run over each SubSection up until reaching the corresponding Quantity. The most important part is for the target/NOMAD path to be fully traceable: any disconnections in a path will cut it out of the archive.

from nomad_simulations.schema_packages.general import Simulation, Program
Simulation.m_def.m_annotations['xml'] = MappingAnnotationModel(path='modeling')
Simulation.program.m_annotations['xml'] = MappingAnnotationModel(path='.generator')['xml'] = MappingAnnotationModel(path='.i[?"@name"="program"]')

Note how you can trace a continuous path down to

From Text to Hierarchies

When dealing with plain text, step 2 proceeds in two stages: reading in the file contents and making the str data more actionable in Python. To this end, we construct an intermediate tree format where we will map into the schema from.

The tactic here is weave two classes, TextParser and Quantity, both from, in with each other. Always start with TextParser and use Quantity.sub_parser to go one level deeper. To obtain finally obtain the tree as a Python dict, apply TextParser.to_dict() to the root node.

txt_reader = TextParser(                # root node
    quantities = [                      # level 1
            sub_parser = TextParser(
                quantities = [          # level 2

Note that the regex patterns should always contain match groups, i.e. (), else no text is extracted. This is especially important for blocks, where the typical regex pattern has the form r'<re_header>(?[\s\S]+)<re_footer>' to match everything between the block header and footer.

Dissecting Tables

The typical approach to processing text tables is to match, in order:

  1. the table and extract (at least) the body.
  2. a standard line.
  3. the relevant column.

Ensure that you toggle the Quantity.repeats: Union[bool, int] option to obtain a list of matches.

The main concern is how to leverage the additional freedom of a third format. Our foremost advice is to:

  1. follow the order in which the data normally appears.
  2. use as similar as possible node names as in the file. If none are present, fall back on the NOMAD schema names.
  3. systematically break down blocks of text via the weaving technique.
  4. use the same node names when multiple versions exist. Maximize the common nodes and overall keep the alternatives as close as possible together.
Semantic Patterns

Modern text parsers come equipped with several common patterns to expedite the construction of complex patterns. Examples include re_float covering decimals and scientific notation, separators like re_blank_line or re_eol, and re_non_greedy for matching whole chunks of text, as shown above. The capture(pattern) function applies the match groups.