Contributed DefinitionsΒΆ
A description of each NeXus contributed definition is given. NXDL files in the NeXus contributed definitions include propositions from the community for NeXus base classes or application definitions, as well as other NXDL files for long-term archival by NeXus. Consider the contributed definitions as either in incubation or a special case not for general use. The NIAC: The NeXus International Advisory Committee is charged to review any new contributed definitions and provide feedback to the authors before ratification and acceptance as either a base class or application definition.
- NXaberration
Models for aberrations of electro-magnetic lenses in electron microscopy.
- NXaperture
A beamline aperture
- NXaperture_em
Details of an individual aperture for beams in electron microscopy.
- NXapm
Application definition for atom probe and field ion microscopy experiments.
- NXapm_input_ranging
Metadata to ranging definitions made for a dataset in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_input_reconstruction
Metadata of a dataset (tomographic reconstruction) in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_clusterer
Configuration of a paraprobe-clusterer tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_distancer
Configuration/settings of a paraprobe-distancer software tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_intersector
Configuration of a paraprobe-intersector tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_nanochem
Configuration of a paraprobe-nanochem tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_ranger
Configuration of a paraprobe-ranger tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_selector
Configuration of a paraprobe-selector tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_spatstat
Configuration of a paraprobe-spatstat tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_surfacer
Configuration of a paraprobe-surfacer tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_tessellator
Configuration of a paraprobe-tessellator tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_config_transcoder
Configurations of a paraprobe-transcoder tool run in atom probe microscopy.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_clusterer
Results of a paraprobe-clusterer tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_distancer
Results of a paraprobe-distancer tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_intersector
Results of a paraprobe-intersector tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_nanochem
Results of a paraprobe-nanochem tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_ranger
Results of a paraprobe-ranger tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_selector
Results of a paraprobe-selector tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_spatstat
Results of a paraprobe-spatstat tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_surfacer
Results of a paraprobe-surfacer tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_tessellator
Results of a paraprobe-tessellator tool run.
- NXapm_paraprobe_results_transcoder
Results of a paraprobe-transcoder tool run.
- NXbeam
Properties of the neutron or X-ray beam at a given location.
- NXcalibration
Subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing calibrations.
- NXcg_alpha_complex
Computational geometry description of alpha shapes or wrappings to primitives.
- NXcg_cylinder_set
Computational geometry description of a set of cylinders in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_ellipsoid_set
Computational geometry description of a set of ellipsoids in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_face_list_data_structure
Computational geometry description of geometric primitives via a face and edge list.
- NXcg_geodesic_mesh
Computational geometry description of a geodesic mesh.
- NXcg_grid
Computational geometry description of a Wigner-Seitz cell grid in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_half_edge_data_structure
Computational geeometry description of a half-edge data structure.
- NXcg_hexahedron_set
Computational geometry description of a set of hexahedra in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_marching_cubes
Computational geometry description of the marching cubes algorithm.
- NXcg_parallelogram_set
Computational geometry description of a set of parallelograms in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_point_set
Computational geometry description of a set of points in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_polygon_set
Computational geometry description of a set of polygons in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_polyhedron_set
Computational geometry description of a polyhedra in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_polyline_set
Computational geometry description of a set of polylines in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_roi_set
Base class to hold geometric primitives.
- NXcg_sphere_set
Computational geometry description of a set of spheres in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_tetrahedron_set
Computational geometry description of a set of tetrahedra in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_triangle_set
Computational geometry description of a set of triangles in Euclidean space.
- NXcg_triangulated_surface_mesh
Computational geometry description of a mesh of triangles.
- NXcg_unit_normal_set
Computational geometry description of a set of (oriented) unit normal vectors.
- NXchamber
Component of an instrument to store or place objects and specimens.
- NXchemical_composition
(Chemical) composition of a sample or a set of things.
- NXclustering
Metadata to the results of a clustering analysis.
- NXcollectioncolumn
Subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the electron collection
- NXcontainer
State of a container holding the sample under investigation.
- NXcoordinate_system_set
Container to hold different coordinate systems conventions.
- NXcorrector_cs
Corrector for aberrations in an electron microscope.
- NXcs_computer
Computer science description of a set of computing nodes.
- NXcs_cpu
Computer science description of a central processing unit (CPU) of a computer.
- NXcs_filter_boolean_mask
Computer science base class for packing and unpacking booleans.
- NXcs_gpu
Computer science description of a graphic processing unit (GPU) of a computer.
- NXcs_io_obj
Computer science description of a storage object in an input/output system.
- NXcs_io_sys
Computer science description of system of a computer.
- NXcs_mm_sys
Computer science description of a main memory system of a computer.
- NXcs_prng
Computer science description of pseudo-random number generator.
- NXcs_profiling
Computer science description for summary performance/profiling data of an application.
- NXcs_profiling_event
Computer science description of a profiling event.
- NXcsg
Constructive Solid Geometry base class, using NXquadric and NXoff_geometry
- NXcxi_ptycho
Application definition for a ptychography experiment, compatible with CXI from version 1.6.
- NXdeflector
Deflectors as they are used e.g. in an electron analyser.
- NXdelocalization
Base class to describe the delocalization of point-like objects on a grid.
- NXdetector
A detector, detector bank, or multidetector.
- NXdispersion
A dispersion denoting a sum of different dispersions.
- NXdispersion_function
This describes a dispersion function for a material or layer
- NXdispersion_repeated_parameter
A repeated parameter for a dispersion function
- NXdispersion_single_parameter
A single parameter for a dispersion function
- NXdispersion_table
A dispersion table denoting energy, dielectric function tabulated values.
- NXdispersive_material
- NXdistortion
Subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing distortion correction.
- NXebeam_column
Container for components to form a controlled beam in electron microscopy.
- NXelectronanalyser
Subclass of NXinstrument to describe a photoelectron analyser.
- NXelectrostatic_kicker
definition for a electrostatic kicker.
- NXellipsometry
Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- NXem
Characterization and session with one sample in an electron microscope.
- NXem_ebsd
Application definition for collecting and indexing Kikuchi pattern into orientation maps.
- NXem_ebsd_conventions
Conventions for rotations and coordinate systems to interpret EBSD data.
- NXem_ebsd_crystal_structure_model
Crystal structure phase models used for indexing Kikuchi pattern.
- NXenergydispersion
Subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the energy dispersion
- NXentry
(required) NXentry describes the measurement.
- NXevent_data_em
Metadata and settings of an electron microscope for scans and images.
- NXevent_data_em_set
Container to hold NXevent_data_em instances of an electron microscope session.
- NXfabrication
Details about a component as defined by its manufacturer.
- NXgraph_edge_set
A set of (eventually directed) edges which connect nodes/vertices of a graph.
- NXgraph_node_set
A set of nodes/vertices in space representing members of a graph.
- NXgraph_root
An instance of a graph.
- NXibeam_column
Container for components of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) system.
- NXimage_set_em
Container for reporting a set of images taken with an electron microscope.
- NXimage_set_em_adf
Container for reporting a set of annular dark field images.
- NXimage_set_em_bf
Container for reporting a set of images taken in bright field mode.
- NXimage_set_em_bse
Container for reporting a set of back-scattered electron images.
- NXimage_set_em_chamber
Container for images recorded with e.g. a TV camera in the microscope chamber.
- NXimage_set_em_df
Container for reporting a set of images taken in dark field mode.
- NXimage_set_em_diffrac
Container for reporting a set of diffraction images.
- NXimage_set_em_ecci
Container for reporting back-scattered electron channeling contrast images.
- NXimage_set_em_kikuchi
Measured set of electron backscatter diffraction data, aka Kikuchi pattern.
- NXimage_set_em_ronchigram
Container for reporting a set of images related to a ronchigram.
- NXimage_set_em_se
Container for reporting a set of secondary electron images.
- NXinstrument
Collection of the components of the instrument or beamline. Template of
- NXinteraction_vol_em
Base class for storing details about a modelled shape of interaction volume.
- NXion
Set of atoms of a molecular ion or fragment in e.g. ToF mass spectrometry.
- NXisocontour
Computational geometry description of isocontouring/phase-fields in Euclidean space.
- NXiv_temp
Application definition for temperature-dependent IV curve measurements.
- NXlab_electro_chemo_mechanical_preparation
Grinding and polishing of a sample using abrasives in a wet lab.
- NXlab_sample_mounting
Embedding of a sample in a medium for easing processability.
- NXlens_em
Description of an electro-magnetic lens or a compound lens.
- NXmagnetic_kicker
definition for a magnetic kicker.
- NXmanipulator
Extension of NXpositioner to include fields to describe the use of
- NXmatch_filter
Settings of a filter to select or remove entries based on their value.
- NXmpes
This is the most general application definition for multidimensional
- NXms
Application definition, spatiotemporal characterization of a microstructure.
- NXms_atom_set
A base class to wrap details about a spatial configuration of atoms.
- NXms_crystal_set
Base class to describe data about observed crystals in microstructures.
- NXms_dislocation_set
Base class to describe details about dislocations observed in microstructures.
- NXms_interface_set
Base class to describe details about interfaces observed in microstructures.
- NXms_score_config
Application definition to control a simulation with the SCORE model.
- NXms_score_results
Application definition for storing results of the SCORE cellular automaton.
- NXms_snapshot
Base class for data on the state of the microstructure at a given time/iteration.
- NXms_snapshot_set
A collection of spatiotemporal microstructure data.
- NXoptical_system_em
A container for qualifying an electron optical system.
- NXorientation_set
Details about individual orientations of a set of objects.
- NXpeak
Description of peaks, their functional form or measured support.
- NXpid
Contains the settings of a PID controller.
- NXprocess
Document an event of data processing, reconstruction, or analysis for this data.
- NXprogram
Base class to describe a software tool or library.
- NXpulser_apm
Metadata for laser- and/or voltage-pulsing in atom probe microscopy.
- NXpump
Device to reduce an atmosphere to a controlled remaining pressure level.
- NXquadric
definition of a quadric surface.
- NXquadrupole_magnet
definition for a quadrupole magnet.
- NXreflectron
Device for reducing flight time differences of ions in ToF experiments.
- NXregion
Geometry and logical description of a region of data in a parent group. When used, it could be a child group to, say, NXdetector.
- NXregistration
Describes image registration procedures.
- NXsample
Any information on the sample.
- NXscanbox_em
Scan box and coils which deflect an electron beam in a controlled manner.
- NXsensor_scan
Application definition for a generic scan using sensors.
- NXseparator
definition for an electrostatic separator.
- NXsimilarity_grouping
Metadata to the results of a similarity grouping analysis.
- NXslip_system_set
Base class for describing a set of crystallographic slip systems.
- NXsnsevent
This is a definition for event data from Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL.
- NXsnshisto
This is a definition for histogram data from Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL.
- NXsolenoid_magnet
definition for a solenoid magnet.
- NXsolid_geometry
the head node for constructively defined geometry
- NXsource
The neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility.
- NXspatial_filter
Spatial filter to filter entries within a region-of-interest based on their position.
- NXspectrum_set_em_auger
Container for reporting a set of auger electron energy spectra.
- NXspectrum_set_em_cathodolum
Container for reporting a set of cathodoluminescence spectra.
- NXspectrum_set_em_eels
Container for reporting a set of electron energy loss (EELS) spectra.
- NXspectrum_set_em_xray
Container for reporting a set of energy-dispersive X-ray spectra.
- NXspin_rotator
definition for a spin rotator.
- NXspindispersion
Subclass of NXelectronanalyser to describe the spin filters in
- NXstage_lab
A stage lab can be used to hold, align, orient, and prepare a specimen.
- NXsubsampling_filter
Settings of a filter to sample entries based on their value.
- NXtransmission
Application definition for transmission experiments
- NXxpcs
X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) data (results).