User Manual and Reference DocumentationΒΆ
Welcome to the user manual of the NeXus for FAIRmat project.
- 1. FAIRmat-NeXus Proposal
- 2. NeXus Documentation
- 3. Electron microscopy
- 4. Photoemission & core-level spectroscopy
- 5. Optical spectroscopy
- 6. Atom-probe tomography
- 7. Transport phenomena
- 8. Scanning Probe Microscopy
- 9. Geometry and microstructures
- 10. NOMAD OASIS Remote Tools Hub
- 11. Sample preparation
- 12. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
- 13. NAPI: NeXus Application Programmer Interface (frozen)
- 14. Brief history of NeXus
Publishing Information
This commit time code <<AUTO_INJECT_COMMIT_TC>>.
This commit identifier <<AUTO_INJECT_COMMIT_ID>>.
This manual built Mar 06, 2025.
The FAIRmat project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(DFG, German Research Foundation) - project 460197019.
FAIRmat is a consortium within the German NFDI.
See also
The extended NeXus documentation:
A very brief overview (title: NeXus for the Impatient) is also available (separate from the manual).
- PDF:
FAIRmat website:
NOMAD website: