base class, extends NXobject
Describes the resolution of a physical quantity.
No symbol table
- Groups cited:
physical_quantity: (optional) NX_CHAR
The physical quantity of the resolution, e.g., ...
The physical quantity of the resolution, e.g., energy, momentum, time, area, etc.
type: (optional) NX_CHAR
The process by which the resolution was determined. ...
The process by which the resolution was determined.
Any of these values:
resolution: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}
The resolution of the physical quantity.
resolution_errors: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}
Standard deviation of the resolution of the physical quantity.
relative_resolution: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}
Ratio of the resolution at a specified measurand value to that measurand value.
relative_resolution_errors: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_DIMENSIONLESS}
Standard deviation of the relative resolution of the physical quantity.
resolution_formula_description: (optional) NX_CHAR
A description of the resolution formula to determine the resolution from a set ...
A description of the resolution formula to determine the resolution from a set of symbols as entered by the formula_… fields. This should be an english description of the math used.
note: (optional) NXnote
Additional details of the estimate or description of the calibration procedure
response_function: (optional) NXdata
The response of the instrument or part of the instrument to a infinitesimally ...
The response of the instrument or part of the instrument to a infinitesimally sharp input signal along the physical quantity of this group. This is also sometimes called instrument response function for time resolution or point spread function for spatial response. The resolution is typically determined by taking the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the response function.
This could have an AXISNAME field
(the input axis or grid of the response function) and aDATA
. Both of these should have the same unit. The dimensions should match those of the resolution field.formula_symbols: (optional) NXparameters
Symbols linking to another path in the NeXus tree to be referred to from the ...
Symbols linking to another path in the NeXus tree to be referred to from the resolution_formula_description field. The
should be a valid path inside this application definition, i.e., of the form /entry/instrument/my_part/my_field.CALIBRATION: (optional) NXcalibration
For storing details and data of a calibration to derive a resolution from data.
Hypertext Anchors¶
List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.