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How to Use the STM Reader

How To Install the STM Reader

The STM reader can be installed as a python package from PyPI. We recommend to install the reader in a python virtual environment.

Installation of STM reader in python virtual envrironment

Run the followoing command step-by-step on your linux terminal

<user>$ vitualenv --python=3.10 .pyenv
<user>$ source activate .pyenv/bin/activate
(.pyenv) <user>$ pip install pynxtools-stm

That's it! You can run the STM reader from command line.

Installation of STM reader in development mode in python virtual environment

If you want to make changes to the STM reader, you can install in to development mode

<user>$ vitualenv --python=3.10 .pyenv
<user>$ source activate .pyenv/bin/activate
(.pyenv) <user>$ git clone
(.pyenv) <user>$ cd pynxtools-stm
(.pyenv) <user>$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
(.pyenv) <user>$ pip install -e .
(.pyenv) <user>$ pip install -e ".[dev]"

How to Run the Reader from CLI

In the command line interface, input files can be passed as positional arguments. Other arguments like the reader and the nxdl shall be given as keyword arguments.

Run STS Reader

The following command can be used to run the STS reader from your python environment:

(.pyenv) <user>$ dataconverter \
--reader sts \
--nxdl NXsts \
--output ./output.nxs \ 
<path-to STS_nanonis_generic_5e_1.dat> \
<path-to config_file_for_dat.json> \
<path-to Nanonis_Eln.yaml>

Run STM Reader

Use the following command to run the STM reader from your python environment:

(.pyenv) <user>$ dataconverter \
--reader sts \
--nxdl NXsts \
--output ./output.nxs \
<path-to STM_nanonis_generic_5e.sxm> \
<path-to config_file_for_sxm.json> \
<path-to Nanonis_Eln.yaml> \