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The shows the example of testing NeXus files with validation methods

There are different methods, which can be used for file validation.

  • pynxtools (verify_nexus, read_nexus)
  • nxvalidate
  • punx

Here some examples are shown for the respective methods, by using a pynxtools-ellips generated NeXus file. This generated file already contained some level of validation, as a generated and filled template for this NeXus application definition was used.

1. Example from pynxtools read_nexus function

read_nexus -f SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs > read_nexus_output_file.txt

DEBUG: ===== GROUP (//entry/instrument/software_RC2 [NXellipsometry::/NXentry/NXinstrument/software_RC2]): <HDF5 group "/entry/instrument/software_RC2" (1 members)>
DEBUG: classpath: ['NXentry', 'NXinstrument']
DEBUG: ===== FIELD (//entry/instrument/software_RC2/program): <HDF5 dataset "program": shape (), type "|O">
DEBUG: value: b'CompleteEASE' 
DEBUG: classpath: ['NXentry', 'NXinstrument']
DEBUG: ===== ATTRS (//entry/instrument/software_RC2/program@url)
DEBUG: value: 
DEBUG: classpath: ['NXentry', 'NXinstrument']
DEBUG: ===== ATTRS (//entry/instrument/software_RC2/program@version)
DEBUG: value: 6.37 
DEBUG: classpath: ['NXentry', 'NXinstrument']
Total 6 Errors 1. @url. Changing to @URL could fix this maybe. 2. Software_RC2 not detected as NXprogram. This is indeed not assigned.

2. Example from pynxtools verify_nexus function

verify_nexus SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs

WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_50deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_50deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_60deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_60deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_70deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Delta_70deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_50deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_50deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_60deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_60deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_70deg/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Field /entry/data_collection/Psi_70deg_errors/@units written without documentation.
WARNING: Missing attribute: "/ENTRY/DATA/@axes"
WARNING: Missing attribute: "/ENTRY/DATA/@signal"
Invalid: The entry `entry` in file `SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs` is NOT a valid file according to the `NXellipsometry` application definition.
Total 14 Errors Total 3 Errors - without documentation 1. Psi+Delta with Unit+Errors written without doc. 2. Data @axes + @signal. May not find NXdata? Attributes are present in .nxs file. 3. entry not valid in NXellips.

3. Example from nxvalidate

`PATH_TO_NX_VALIDATE_EXE/nxvalidate -l PATH_TO_FAIRMAT_NEXUS_DEF/nexus_definitions/ PATH_TO_NEXUS_FILE/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs

definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Data type mismatch, expected NX_BOOLEAN, got H5T_ENUM {      H5T_STD_I8LE;      "FALSE"            0;      "TRUE"             1;   }" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXinstrument/NXlens_opt/data_correction sev=error dataPath=/entry/instrument/focussing_probes/data_correction dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Required group missing" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXinstrument/NXbeam sev=error dataPath=/entry/instrument dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Required group missing" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXinstrument/NXdetector sev=error dataPath=/entry/instrument dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Data type mismatch, expected NX_BOOLEAN, got H5T_ENUM {      H5T_STD_I8LE;      "FALSE"            0;      "TRUE"             1;   }" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXsample/backside_roughness sev=error dataPath=/entry/sample/backside_roughness dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Required units attribute missing" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXdata/measured_data sev=error dataPath=/entry/data_collection/measured_data dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Data type mismatch, expected NX_BOOLEAN, got H5T_STRING {      STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE;      STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;      CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;      CTYPE H5T_C_S1;   }" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXidentifier/is_persistent sev=error dataPath=/entry/experiment_identifier/is_persistent dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Required group missing" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXdata sev=error dataPath=/entry dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
definition=NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml message="Required units attribute missing" nxdlPath=/NXentry/NXprocess/depolarization sev=error dataPath=/entry/derived_parameters/depolarization dataFile=/home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs 
9 errors and 85 warnings found when validating /home/ron/GitPynxtoolsValidation/nexus_files/SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs
Total 8 or 9 Errors 1. Datatype mismatch for Bools: "H5T_STRING" or "H5T_ENUM" instead of "NX_BOOLEAN". In NXlens_opt, backside_roughness and is_persistent. 2. NXbeam + NXdetector: Has a problem with " exists: [min, 1, max, infty]" 3. "/NXentry/NXdata/measured_data". Units are missing (unit should be NX_ANY). 4. It does not find the NXdata (in this file it is at /entry/data_collection/). 5. Depolarization is not assigned the unit NX_unitless.

nxvalidate Errors:

  1. "Data type mismatch, expected NX_BOOLEAN" --> "NeXus interprets NX_BOOLEAN differently than h5py. NeXus uses an integer of 1 byte for NX_BOOLEAN. This is an int8 or uint8." -->

  2. Required group missing for "NXbeam" and "NXdetector". Probem with NeXus requirement as given in the .yaml file by: "exists: [min, 1, max, infty]"?

  3. "Required units attribute missing" for entry/data_collection/measured_data --> ? unclear. Units are assigned in NeXus file.

  4. "Required group missing" for /entry ---> ? unclear.

nxvalidate Warnings:

I think warnings can be evoked by: (-t in front of the NeXus file):

~/FAIRmat/WorkshopNeXusValid02/nxvalidate/cnxvalidate/build$ ./nxvalidate -l /home/ron/FAIRmat/WorkshopNeXusValid02/nxvalidate/nexus_definitions/ -t SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs

Most of the warnings are not critical at all. Not sure if this is helpful at all:

here are some examples of the "messages" of the warnings:

  1. "Optional group missing"

  2. "Optional field missing"

  3. "Optional attribute units missing"

  4. "Validating field"

  5. "Validating group"

  6. "Additional base class dataset name found"

  7. "Additional base class dataset address found"

  8. "Unknown dataset wavelength_spectrum found"

  9. "Additional base class group notes of type NXnote found"

  10. "Additional base class group environment_sample of type NXenvironment found"

4. Example from punx

punx validate SiO2onSi.ellips.nxs Not possible, as only the NIAC NeXus definitoon can right now be used as reference. Unclear if the punx install functionality is working or still developed.


Error Message origin Error in .nxs file? Error in validation tool?
unit + error without doc verify_nexus ? ?
no @signal @axes for NXdata verify_nexus no yes
entry not valid in NXellips verify_nexus ? ?
@url error read_nexus no yes
Software_RC2 no NXprogram read_nexus yes no
Bool Data types nxvalidate ? ?
exists: [min, 1, max, infty] nxvalidate no yes
Unit missing for measured_data nxvalidate yes no
NXdata not present nxvalidate no yes
No unit for depolarization nxvalidate yes no


Only the nxvalidate method seems to point out completely missing required concepts.

I tested this with an empty NeXus file, in which only the "definition" was given (NXellipsometry and NXraman).