

base class (contribution), extends NXobject


Base class documenting the information common to tools of the paraprobe-toolbox. ...

Base class documenting the information common to tools of the paraprobe-toolbox.

The paraprobe-toolbox is a collection of open-source tools for performing efficient analyses of point cloud data where each point can represent atoms or (molecular) ions. A key application of the toolbox has been for research in the field of Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and related Field Ion Microscopy (FIM):

The toolbox does not replace but complements existent software tools in this research field. Given its capabilities of handling points as objects with properties and enabling analyses of the spatial arrangement of and inter- sections between geometric primitives, the software can equally be used for analyzing data in Materials Science and Materials Engineering.

The common section can be used as a place to store e.g. organizational metadata and contextualization of that analysis in a research data management system.


No symbol table

Groups cited:

NXcoordinate_system_set, NXcoordinate_system, NXcs_profiling, NXnote, NXprogram, NXtransformations, NXuser


status: (optional) NX_CHAR

A statement whether the tool executable managed to process the analysis ...

A statement whether the tool executable managed to process the analysis or whether this failed. Status is written to the results file after the end_time beyond which point in time the tool must no longer compute any further analysis results but exit.

Only when this status message is present and its value is success, one should consider the results of the tool. In all other cases it might be that the tool has terminated prematurely or another error occurred.

Any of these values: success | failure

analysis_identifier: (optional) NX_UINT {units=NX_UNITLESS}

Internal identifier used by the tool to refer to an analysis (aka simulation ...

Internal identifier used by the tool to refer to an analysis (aka simulation id).

PROGRAM: (optional) NXprogram

config: (optional) NXnote

The configuration file that was used to parameterize ...

The configuration file that was used to parameterize the algorithms that this tool has executed.

profiling: (optional) NXcs_profiling

start_time: (optional) NX_DATE_TIME

ISO 8601 formatted time code with local time zone offset to UTC ...

ISO 8601 formatted time code with local time zone offset to UTC information included when the analysis in this results file was started, i.e. when the respective executable/tool was started as a process.

end_time: (optional) NX_DATE_TIME

ISO 8601 formatted time code with local time zone offset to UTC ...

ISO 8601 formatted time code with local time zone offset to UTC information included when the analysis in this results file were completed and the respective process of the tool exited.

total_elapsed_time: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_TIME}

Wall-clock time.

USER: (optional) NXuser

COORDINATE_SYSTEM_SET: (optional) NXcoordinate_system_set

Details about coordinate systems (reference frames) used. In atom probe severa ...

Details about coordinate systems (reference frames) used. In atom probe several coordinate systems have to be distinguished. Names of instances of such NXcoordinate_system should be documented explicitly and doing so by picking from the following controlled set of names:

  • paraprobe

  • lab

  • specimen

  • laser

  • instrument

  • detector

  • recon

The aim of this convention is to support users with contextualizing which reference frame each instance (coordinate system) is. If needed, instances of NXtransformations are used to detail the explicit affine transformations whereby one can convert representations between different reference frames. Inspect NXtransformations for further details.

COORDINATE_SYSTEM: (optional) NXcoordinate_system

TRANSFORMATIONS: (optional) NXtransformations

Hypertext Anchors

List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.

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