base class, extends NXobject
Base class for a region-of-interest (ROI) bound by geometric primitives. ...
Base class for a region-of-interest (ROI) bound by geometric primitives.
So-called region-of-interest(s) (ROIs) are typically used to describe a region in space (and time) where an observation is made or for which a computer simulation is performed with given boundary conditions.
The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays. ...
The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays. Use the depends_on fields of the respective specialized NXcg_primitive_set base class surplus NXcoordinate_system_set with at least one instance of NXcoordinate_system to define explicitly the reference frame in which the primitives are defined. Alternatively, although disencouraged, one may use one NXcoordinate_system_set with with only one NXcoordinate_system in the application definition to specify implicitly in which reference frame the primitives are defined. If none of these two possibilities is used all primitives are assumed defined in the McStas coordinate system.
- Groups cited:
NXcg_cylinder_set, NXcg_ellipsoid_set, NXcg_hexahedron_set, NXcg_parallelogram_set, NXcg_polyhedron_set, NXcg_sphere_set
CG_SPHERE_SET: (optional) NXcg_sphere_set
CG_ELLIPSOID_SET: (optional) NXcg_ellipsoid_set
CG_CYLINDER_SET: (optional) NXcg_cylinder_set
CG_PARALLELOGRAM_SET: (optional) NXcg_parallelogram_set
CG_HEXAHEDRON_SET: (optional) NXcg_hexahedron_set
CG_POLYHEDRON_SET: (optional) NXcg_polyhedron_set
Hypertext Anchors¶
List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.