

base class, extends NXobject


Base class to store the configuration when using the MTex/Matlab software. ...

Base class to store the configuration when using the MTex/Matlab software.

MTex is a Matlab package for texture analysis used in the Materials and Earth Sciences. See R. Hielscher et al. and the MTex source code for details.


n_def_color_map: Number of entries in the default color map

n_color_map: Number of entries in color map

Groups cited:



conventions: (optional) NXcollection

Reference frame and orientation conventions. ...

Reference frame and orientation conventions. Consult the MTex docs for details.

x_axis_direction: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

z_axis_direction: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

a_axis_direction: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

b_axis_direction: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

euler_angle: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers ...

TODO with MTex developers

Any of these values: unknown | undefined | bunge

plotting: (optional) NXcollection

Settings relevant for generating plots.

font_size: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

inner_plot_spacing: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

outer_plot_spacing: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

marker_size: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

figure_size: (optional) NX_NUMBER

TODO with MTex developers

show_micron_bar: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

True if MTex renders a scale bar with figures.

show_coordinates: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

True if MTex renders a grid with figures.

pf_anno_fun_hdl: (optional) NX_CHAR

Code for the function handle used for annotating pole figure plots.

color_map: (optional) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 2, Dimensions: [n_color_map, 3]) {units=NX_UNITLESS}

TODO with MTex developers

default_color_map: (optional) NX_NUMBER (Rank: 2, Dimensions: [n_def_color_map, 3]) {units=NX_UNITLESS}

TODO with MTex developers

color_palette: (optional) NX_CHAR

degree_char: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

arrow_char: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

marker: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

marker_edge_color: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

marker_face_color: (optional) NX_CHAR

TODO with MTex developers

hit_test: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

miscellaneous: (optional) NXcollection

Miscellaneous other settings of MTex.

mosek: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

generating_help_mode: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

methods_advise: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

stop_on_symmetry_mismatch: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

inside_poly: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

text_interpreter: (optional) NX_CHAR

numerics: (optional) NXcollection

Miscellaneous settings relevant for numerics.

eps: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_UNITLESS}

Return value of the Matlab eps command.

fft_accuracy: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

max_stwo_bandwidth: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

max_sothree_bandwidth: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

TODO with MTex developers

system: (optional) NXcollection

Miscellaneous settings relevant of the system where MTex runs.

memory: (optional) NX_NUMBER

TODO with MTex developers

open_gl_bug: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

save_to_file: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

TODO with MTex developers

path: (optional) NXcollection

Collection of paths from where MTex reads information and code.

mtex: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

data: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

cif: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

ebsd: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

pf: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

odf: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

tensor: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

example: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

import_wizard: (optional) NX_CHAR

Absolute path to specific component of MTex source code.

pf_extensions: (optional) NX_CHAR

List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes ...

List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes texture/pole figure information.

ebsd_extensions: (optional) NX_CHAR

List of file type suffixes for which MTex assumes EBSD content.

Hypertext Anchors

List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.

NXDL Source:
