base class, extends NXobject
A container for qualifying an electron optical system.
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camera_length: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Distance which is present between the specimen surface and the detector plane. ...
Distance which is present between the specimen surface and the detector plane.
This concept is related to term Camera Length of the EMglossary standard.
magnification: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_DIMENSIONLESS}
The factor of enlargement of the apparent size, ...
The factor of enlargement of the apparent size, not the physical size, of an object.
defocus: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
The defocus aberration constant (oftentimes referred to as C_1_0). ...
The defocus aberration constant (oftentimes referred to as C_1_0). See respective details in NXaberration class instances.
semi_convergence_angle: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANGLE}
The angle which is given by the semi-opening angle of the cone in a convergent ...
The angle which is given by the semi-opening angle of the cone in a convergent beam.
This concept is related to term Convergence Angle of the EMglossary standard.
field_of_view: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
The extent of the observable parts of the specimen given the current ...
The extent of the observable parts of the specimen given the current magnification and other settings of the instrument.
working_distance: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Distance which is determined along the optical axis within the column from (1) ...
Distance which is determined along the optical axis within the column from (1) the lower end of the final optical element between the source and the specimen stage; to (2) the point where the beam is focused.
This concept is related to term Working Distance of the EMglossary standard.
probe_current: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_CURRENT}
Electrical current which arrives at the specimen. ...
Electrical current which arrives at the specimen.
This concept is related to term Probe Current of the EMglossary standard.
dose_management: (optional) NX_CHAR
Specify further details how incipient electron or ion dose was quantified (usi ...
Specify further details how incipient electron or ion dose was quantified (using beam_current, probe_current).
tilt_correction: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN
Details about an imaging setting used during acquisition to correct perspectiv ...
Details about an imaging setting used during acquisition to correct perspective distortion when imaging a tilted surface or cross section.
This concept is related to term Tilt Correction of the EMglossary standard.
dynamic_focus_correction: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN
Details about a dynamic focus correction used. ...
Details about a dynamic focus correction used.
This concept is related to term Dynamic Focus Correction of the EMglossary standard.
dynamic_refocusing: (optional) NX_CHAR
Details about a workflow used to keep the specimen in focus by automatic means ...
Details about a workflow used to keep the specimen in focus by automatic means.
This concept is related to term Dynamic Refocusing of the EMglossary standard.
focal_length: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Distance which lies between the principal plane of the lens and the focal poin ...
Distance which lies between the principal plane of the lens and the focal point along the optical axis.
This concept is related to term Focal Length of the EMglossary standard.
probe: (optional) NXcg_ellipsoid_set
Geometry of the cross-section formed when the primary beam shines onto the ...
Geometry of the cross-section formed when the primary beam shines onto the specimen surface.
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