base class, extends NXpositioner
Extending positioner from NXpositioner to maintain a measurement signal through ...
Extending positioner from NXpositioner to maintain a measurement signal through a feedback loop, specialized for scanning probe microscopy applications.
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z_offset: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Offset added to the initial averaged position tip on Z-axis before starting to ...
Offset added to the initial averaged position tip on Z-axis before starting to scan.
tip_position_z: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}
Indicate the tip position Z. The tip position can also be varied when the cont ...
Indicate the tip position Z. The tip position can also be varied when the controller is not running. This is the final position after the tip reaches an equilibrium state.
controller_name: (optional) NX_CHAR
Controller name. This name which will be displayed at places where you can sel ...
Controller name. This name which will be displayed at places where you can select a controller.
z_controller: (optional) NXpid
This controller's task is to continuously adjust the Z position of the STM/STS ...
This controller’s task is to continuously adjust the Z position of the STM/STS tip in order to keep the selected control signal as close as possible to the Set Point. Different control signals lead to different controller’s behavior.
The second PID feedback loop intends to position the tip in the Z direction.
p_gain (proportional gain) from z_controller is the same as K_p_value from PID controller. i_gain (integral gain) from z_controller is the same as K_i_value from PID controller. setpoint from z_controller is the same as setpoint from PID controller.
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