base class, extends NXobject
A base class for the Real Time Control System (RCS). ...
A base class for the Real Time Control System (RCS).
A real time control system (RCS) is a reference architecture model used to design highly task intensive software systems and computing control systems.
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- Groups cited:
rcs_name: (optional) NX_CHAR
The name of the real-time control system.
rcs_description: (optional) NX_CHAR
The description of the real-time control system.
rcs_type: (optional) NX_CHAR
The type of the real-time control system.
rcs_manufacturer: (optional) NX_CHAR
The manufacturer of the real-time control system.
rcs_serial_number: (optional) NX_CHAR
The serial number of the real-time control system.
rcs_frequency: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_FREQUENCY}
The frequency of the real-time control system.
rcs_fabrication: (optional) NXfabrication
The fabrication information.
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