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OXCART instrument and pyccapt

pyccapt is an open-source control system for a custom-built atom probe as well as other instruments pioneered by Prof. Felfer and M. Monajem at the FAU Erlangen. The software is used to control their custom-built atom probe instrument OXCART. Pyccapt generates several HDF5 files which store key results and parameterization of an atom probe measurement.

Pynxtools-apm can read all pieces of information that is stored in these files. Currently, the following pieces of information are configured to be mapped by default on respective NeXus concepts to serve as an example.

pyccapt reconstruction NeXus/HDF5
Reconstructed positions (x, y, z) ✔️
Mass-to-charge-state-ratio values (m/q) ✔️
pyccapt range NeXus/HDF5
(Molecular ion) number of elements and their multiplicity ✔️
Mass-to-charge-state-ratio value interval for each molecular ion ✔️
Charge state ✔️