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Convert atom probe content to NeXus

Who is this tutorial for?

This document is for people who want to standardize their research data by converting these into a NeXus standardized format.

What should you should know before this tutorial?

  • You should have a basic understanding of FAIRmat NeXus and pynxtools
  • You should have a basic understanding of using Python and Jupyter notebooks via JupyterLab

What you will know at the end of this tutorial?

You will have a basic understanding how to use pynxtools-apm for converting your atom probe data to a NeXus/HDF5 file.


The Jupyter notebook is available here

Congrats! You now have a FAIR NeXus file!

The above-mentioned parsing is also integrated into the NOMAD research data management system. Feel invited to try out the respective tutorial here TODO.