

base class, extends NXobject


An actuator used to control an external condition. ...

An actuator used to control an external condition.

The condition itself is described in NXenvironment.


No symbol table

Groups cited:

NXfabrication, NXlog, NXpid, NXtransformations


@default: (optional) NX_CHAR

Declares which child group contains a path leading ...

Declares which child group contains a path leading to a NXdata group.

It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted. See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html for a summary of the discussion.

model: (optional) NX_CHAR

Actuator identification code/model number

name: (optional) NX_CHAR

Name of the actuator

short_name: (optional) NX_CHAR

Short name of actuator used e.g. on monitor display program

attached_to: (optional) NX_CHAR

Describe where the actuator is attached to. ...

Describe where the actuator is attached to. This could be an instance of NXsample or a device on NXinstrument.

physical_quantity: (optional) NX_CHAR

Name for the physical quantity effected by the actuation ...

Name for the physical quantity effected by the actuation

Examples: temperature | pH | magnetic_field | electric_field | current | conductivity | resistance | voltage | pressure | flow | stress | strain | shear | surface_pressure

type: (optional) NX_CHAR

The type of hardware used for the actuation. ...

The type of hardware used for the actuation.

Examples (suggestions, but not restrictions):


laser | gas lamp | filament | resistive


anvil cell



OUTPUT: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}

Any output that the actuator produces. ...

Any output that the actuator produces. For example, a heater can have the field heater_power(NX_FLOAT).

depends_on: (optional) NX_CHAR

Refers to the last transformation specifying the position of the actuator ...

Refers to the last transformation specifying the position of the actuator in the NXtransformations chain.

OUTPUT_log: (optional) NXlog

Time history of actuator outputs.

PID: (optional) NXpid

If the actuator is PID-controlled, the settings of the PID controller can be ...

If the actuator is PID-controlled, the settings of the PID controller can be stored here.

setpoint: (optional) NX_FLOAT {units=NX_ANY}

Nominal actuator setpoint. ...

Nominal actuator setpoint. Can be a scalar or a vector (of [n] actuations).

setpoint_log: (optional) NXlog

Time history of actuator setpoints.

TRANSFORMATIONS: (optional) NXtransformations

FABRICATION: (optional) NXfabrication

Hypertext Anchors

List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.

NXDL Source:
