

base class, extends NXscan_control


A base class that defines how the bias voltage sweep is performed in the ...

A base class that defines how the bias voltage sweep is performed in the scanning probe microscopy experiments.


No symbol table

Groups cited:

NXdata, NXobject


scan_region: (optional) NXobject

The scan region is the area of phase space or sub-phase space where the scan i ...

The scan region is the area of phase space or sub-phase space where the scan is performed.

scan_offset_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The starting voltage of the bias sweep. The range of voltages for the sweep ...

The starting voltage of the bias sweep. The range of voltages for the sweep can be defined with scan voltage offset and scan voltage range (difference between minimum and maximum voltage values in a sweep)

scan_range_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The range of voltages for the sweep can be defined with scan voltage offset ...

The range of voltages for the sweep can be defined with scan voltage offset and scan voltage range (difference between minimum and maximum voltage values in a sweep)

scan_start_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The start of the bias scan voltage.

scan_end_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The end value of the bias scan voltage.

linear_sweep: (optional) NXobject

In the linear sweep, the bias voltage is changed linearly from the start value ...

In the linear sweep, the bias voltage is changed linearly from the start value to the end value.

backward_sweep: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

If the bias voltage sweep is also performed in the opposite direction.

scan_points_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER

The number of voltage points per sweep.

step_size_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The step size between the two consecutive bias voltage values during the sweep.

reset_bias: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

The reset_bias defines whether the bias voltage should be reset to the start ...

The reset_bias defines whether the bias voltage should be reset to the starting value after the sweep is completed.

SCAN_data: (optional) NXdata

The scan data is the data collected during the scan. ...

The scan data is the data collected during the scan. If the scan has several channels or derivatives from the channel data, please duplicate this NXdata group for each.

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