

base class, extends NXobject


Base class of a filter to sample members in a set based on their identifier.


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min_incr_max: (optional) NX_INT (Rank: 1, Dimensions: [3]) {units=NX_UNITLESS}

Triplet of the minimum, the increment, and the maximum identifier to ...

Triplet of the minimum, the increment, and the maximum identifier to include of a sequence \([i_0, i_0 + 1, i_0 + 2, \ldots, i_0 + \mathcal{N}] with i_0 \in \mathcal{Z}\) of identifier. The increment controls which n-th identifier (value) to take.

Take as an example a dataset with 100 identifier (aka entries). Assume that the identifier start at zero, i.e. identifier_offset is 0). Assume further that min_incr_max is set to [0, 1, 99]. In this case the filter will yield all identifier. Setting min_incr_max to [0, 2, 99] will take each second identifier. Setting min_incr_max to [90, 3, 99] will take each third identifier beginning from identifier 90 up to 99.

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