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If data models of technology partners would be communicated using tools and methods from the field of semantic technology, there would be less of a necessity to copy or reformat specific information into files as one could write inference and information/fact/knowledge retrieval algorithm(s) whereby a specific piece of information that is related to an experiment or simulation is read directly from the respective file of the technology partner and converted semantically into the representation that is required on the target side.

The reason why currently this does not work convincingly in cases for many open-source research data management software is the strong heterogeneity of how granularized pieces of information are expected surplus the observation that contextualization and documentation, specifically rich and strongly expressive semantic documentation or contextualization, is underdeveloped.

Technical details about the mapping approach

Mapping information from one serialization format onto another can face various cases of information content, representation, and formatting mismatch as the data models can differ. Assume that we wish to map instance data for concepts on the src side, e.g. content stored from files collected during an measurement, onto instance data for concepts of a different data model on the trg side. Several cases of mismatch can occur:

  1. Mismatch in symbols (aka concept names) used for identifying concepts An example: high_voltage is expected by trg but HV is used as a symbol by src.
  2. Mismatch in units An example: trg expects voltage quantities with unit V but src provides unit kV. Another example: trg expects angle as radian but src provides deg.
  3. Mismatch in data types An example: np.float64 is expected by trg but single precision float is used by src. Another example: 1 as an int is expected by trg but that number has been serialized as a string "1". One more example: trg expects voltage as V but on src tech partners agreed to use SI unit but do not write these unit explicitly.
  4. Mismatch in the granularization of information or different standards used for representing information An example: trg expects ISO8601 with local time zone offset to UTC but src provides date, time, and timezone as individual strings. Another example: trg expects UNIX timestamp but src provides MS-DOS timestamp.
  5. Mismatch in dimensions An example: trg requests an (>1,) array but src only provides a scalar

Configurations are the solutions which guide the parser how to map instance data for each concept. Often the mismatch cannot be resolved because the trg and src have not exchanged precisely defined versions of their data models. In this case, one often uses assumptions.

Configurations implement these assumptions and mapping decisions outside the actual source code to offer a single place where preferentially such mismatches should be resolved. This enables users to often avoid having to take a look into the backend code surplus this solutions avoids that the mapping of potentially many individual concepts becomes too strongly hard-coded and long mapping pathes need be repeated which would create code bloat.

Configurations should group mapping rules to reduce the overall size of the mapping dictionaries. Configurations are stored as Python dictionaries with specific formatting. Configurations use abbreviations wherever possible. All combined, this yields compact descriptions that are hopefully easier to read and having fewer places where changes need to be implemented when mapping paths change as the data models evolve.

Mismatch cases 1, 2, 3, 4 are dealt with. Mismatch case 5 is currently ignored. Instead, instance data from src are copied to trg if no mismatch 1 -4 is observed. This may cause though that the resulting collection of instance data on the trg side does not end up fully compliant with an application definition. However, this is not a problem because verification of the instance data takes place during consumption of the serialized NeXus artifact/file.


Remaining paragraphs sketch a draft of the documentation for the technical details of the mapping.

The following example shows one typical such dictionary.

AXON_STATIC_STAGE_NX: Dict[str, Any] = {
    "prefix_trg": "/ENTRY[entry*]/measurement/em_lab/STAGE_LAB[stage_lab]",
    "prefix_src": "MicroscopeControlImageMetadata.ActivePositionerSettings.PositionerSettings.[*].Stage.",
    "use": [("design", "heating_chip")],
    "map": [("alias", "Name")],

In this example the template path for the tuple in use on the trg side will be f"{prefix_trg}/{use[0][0]}" with value use[0][1]. The template path for the tuple in map on the trg side will be f"{prefix_trg}{map[0][0]}" with the value that is read from the src side pointed to by keyword f"{prefix_src}{map[0][1]}".

Problems with the old algorithm can be exemplified with the following example

VELOX_DYNAMIC_STAGE_NX: Dict[str, Any] = {
    "prefix_trg": "/ENTRY[entry*]/measurement/event_data_em_set/EVENT_DATA_EM[event_data_em*]/em_lab/STAGE_LAB[stage_lab]",
    "use": [
        ("tilt1/@units", "rad"),
        ("tilt2/@units", "rad"),
        ("position/@units", "m"),
    "map_to_str": [("design", "Stage/HolderType")],
    "map_to_real": [
        ("tilt1", "Stage/AlphaTilt"),
        ("tilt2", "Stage/BetaTilt"),
        ("position", ["Stage/Position/x", "Stage/Position/y", "Stage/Position/z"]),

Keywords use and map were looped over. Therefore, template pathes like tilt1/@units were set independently whether the corresponding value tilt1 was found. The new approach solves this and makes the dictionary more compact:

VELOX_DYNAMIC_STAGE_NX: Dict[str, Any] = {
    "prefix_trg": "/ENTRY[entry*]/measurement/event_data_em_set/EVENT_DATA_EM[event_data_em*]/em_lab/STAGE_LAB[stage_lab]",
    "map": [("design", "Stage/HolderType")],
    "map_to_float64": [
        ("tilt1", ureg.radiant, "Stage/AlphaTilt"),
        ("tilt2", ureg.radiant, "Stage/BetaTilt"),
        ("position", ureg.meter, ["Stage/Position/x", "Stage/Position/y", "Stage/Position/z"]),

The example shows though that it is not necessarily useful to encode all mapping conventions into such dictionaries. Indeed, if there is a mismatch between the reference frames of src and the one used for the trg side, an instruction like concatenate the three values Stage/Position/x, y, z into an array of np.float64 and convert to unit meter may not be sufficient. Offsets or rotations of the reference frame may also be required. In this case, a more complicated mapping dictionary is required. We leave this for now as an open issue for the future and implement such as an explicit mapping and translations as hard-coded instructions instead.

  • Required keyword prefix_trg specifies the prefix to use when resolving template paths on the trg side excluding the / separator.
  • Required keyword prefix_src specifies the prefix to use when resolving template paths on the src side including separators.
  • Optional keywords follow. Each encodes mapping instructions based on one list of tuples as value.
  • use instructs mapping explicitly instance data on trg without demanding a src. Specifically, tuples of the following two datatypes are allowed: (str, str | numpy datatype (scalar or array)) (str, pint.ureg) The first value resolves the symbol for the concept on the trg side. The second value resolves the instance data to store on the trg side. The template path on the trg side is f"{prefix_trg}/{tpl[0]}", if provided prefix_src will be ignored.
  • map | map_to_dtype | map_to_dtype_and_join instructs mapping instance data from src on trg. Differently typed tuples are allowed that encode compact mapping rules to deal with above-mentioned cases of mismatch. The suffix "_to*" is added to solve mismatch 3. Mismatch cases 1 and 2 are solved based on how the tuple is structured. Mismatch case 3 is solved by adding a suffix like "_to_float64" which will instruct that the src data will be mapped if possible from original datatype and precision on the numpy datatype and precision specified by dtype.

    The suffix _and_join will accept a list of below mentioned tuples to concatenate information.

    TODO more work needs to be done here

    Specifically, tuples of the following datatypes are allowed or a str but in only one case: * (str, pint.ureg, str | list[str], pint.ureg) aka case five. Used in cases of mismatch 1 and 2 with the aim to explicitly convert units between src and trg.

    The first value resolves the symbol for the concept on the trg side. The second value resolves the specific unit on the trg side. The third value resolves the symbol for the concept on the src side. The fourth value resolves the specific unit on the src side.

    The third value can be a list of strings of symbols for concepts on the src side. This is useful for joining individual scalar values in an array, like x, y, z coordinates.

    • (str, str | list[str], pint.ureg) aka case four. Used in cases of mismatch 1 with the aim to accept the unit from the src side.

    The first value resolves the symbol for the concept on the trg side. The second value resolves the symbol for the concept on the src side. The third value resolves the specific unit on the src side.

    In an implementation, this case can be avoided when the value on the src side is already normalized into a pint.ureg. The second value can be a list of strings of symbols for concepts on the src side.

    • (str, pint.ureg, str | list[str]) aka case three. Used in cases of mismatch 1 and 2 with the aim to explicitly convert to a specific unit on the trg side.

    The first value resolves the symbol for the concept on the trg side. The second value resolves the specific unit on the trg side. The third value resolves the symbol for the concept on the src side.

    The third value can be a list of strings of symbols for concepts on the src side. In an implementation, this case can be avoided when there is another look-up dictionary or cache from which the unit to use is defined explicitly. The practical issue with NeXus though is that often concepts are constrained only as strong as to match a specific unit category, e.g. voltage, i.e. all possible units that are convertible into the base unit V.

    Therefore, in practice it makes sense to use this case to be specific about which unit should be used on the trg side. However, for parsers which cover many file formats, like pynxtools-em, this will ask people to add potentially duplicated information. In summary, it is best to use a global look-up dictionary for all concepts in an application definition and then infer the unit from this dictionary. The actual unit conversion is performable then e.g. with pint.

    • (str, str | list[str]) aka case two. Used in cases of mismatch 1. Units on src will be carried over onto the trg side.

    The first value resolves the symbol for the concept on the trg side. The second value resolves the symbol for the concept on the src side.

    The second value can be a list of strings of symbols for concepts on the src side. This case is an especially useful short-hand notation for concepts with string, unitless, dimensionless quantities.

    • str aka case one. Used in cases when symbols on the trg and src side are the same and units should be carried through as is.

    This case is a further simplification for writing even more compact mapping dictionaries. Python allows for a having a mixture of string and tuples in lists.