Data from Phi VersaProbe 4 instruments¶
The reader supports Phi MultiPak .spe (single spectra) and .pro (sputter profile / external parameter scan / ....) files, which is the propietary format of PHI Electronics used for their VersaProbe 4 instrumens. The Phi MultiPak software version that was used to measure this data is SS
The reader for the Phi data can be found here.
.spe data (single spectrum):¶
Example data for this file format is available here.
The example conversion can be run with the following command:
user@box:~$ dataconverter SnO2_10nm.spe eln_data_phi.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXxps --output SnO2_10nm.spe.nxs
.pro data (profiling):¶
Example data for this file format is available here.
The example conversion can be run with the following command:
user@box:~$ dataconverter eln_data_phi.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXxps --output
We thank Sebastian Benz and Dr. Joachim Sann from Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen for providing these example data sets.