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Data from SPECS instruments

The reader supports SpecsLabProdigy files, which is the propietary format of SPECS GmbH. Currently, the following file extensions are supported:

  • .sle: SpecsLabProdigy file software version: v1.6, >v4)
  • .xml: SpecsLab 2files, XML format from SPECS GmbH (software version: v4.63 tested, other versions also work)
  • .xy: SpecsLabProdigy export format in XY format (including all export settings)

The readers for the SPECS data can be found here.

.sle data

Example data for the SLE reader is available here.

The example conversion can be run with the following command.

user@box:~$ dataconverter --params-file params.yaml

Note that the params.yaml file contains the remove_align keyword which is special for the SLE parser. It allows removal of alignment spectra that were taken during the experiment. For this example, it considerably speeds up the conversion

.xml data

Example data for the SPECS XML reader is available here.

The example conversion can be run with the following command.

user@box:~$ dataconverter In-situ_PBTTT_XPS_SPECS.xml eln_data_xml.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXmpes --output In-situ_PBTTT.nxs

.xy data

Example data for the SPECS XY reader is available here.

The example conversion can be run with the following command.

user@box:~$ dataconverter MgFe2O4.xy eln_data_xy.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXmpes --output MgFe2O4.nxs