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VAMAS ISO standard (VMS)

The reader supports VAMAS (.vms, .npl) files, the ISO standard data transfer format (ISO 14976) for X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The data can be stored both in REGULAR (i.e, with an equally spaced energy axis) as well as IRREGULAR mode. The reader also allows for .npl files which are structured in the same way as .vms files.

Note that most vendors and analysis software tend to write metadata from their instruments into the comment lines of the VAMAS format. Currently, the VAMAS reader supports parsing of metadata from VAMAS format for the following vendors and software solutions: - Kratos Analytical Ltd - Specs GmbH - Phi Electronics: same metadata as in the PHI reader - CasaXPS: calibrations and peak fitting

The reader for the VAMAS format can be found here.

Example data is available here. The data was measured with and exported from SpecsLabProdigy.

Standard .vms data

REGULAR file format

The example conversion for the REGULAR VAMAS file can be run with the following command:

user@box:~$ dataconverter regular.vms eln_data_vms.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXmpes --output regular.vms.nxs 

IRREGULAR file format

The example conversion for the IRREGULAR VAMAS file can be run with the following command:

user@box:~$ dataconverter irregular.vms eln_data_vms.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXmpes --output irregular.vms.nxs

TXT export from CasaXPS

pynxtools-xps also supports data exported from VAMAS by the CasaXPS data analysis software as TXT file. The example conversion for the .txt export file can be run with the following command:

user@box:~$ dataconverter vms_txt_export.txt eln_data_vms_txt_export.yaml --reader xps --nxdl NXmpes --output vms_txt_export.nxs