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The XPS coordinate system

The application definition NXxps defines a coordinate system based on the sample stage, which is the same coordinate system as in the ISO standard for surface chemical analysis.

The XPS coordinate system

An example for this coordinate system can be found here.

The file config_vms_cs_fixed.json contains a hard-coded measurement configuration, which was translated to NXxps using the following command:

user@box:~$ dataconverter config_vms_cs_fixed.json --reader xps --nxdl NXxps --ignore-undocumented --output vms-cs-fixed.nxs 

The file vms-cs.glb contains a 3D representation (in gltf/glb format) of the NXtransformation matrices in the NeXus file. It was created using the nexus3d tool with the following command (using the STL objects located in the shapes/ subfolder):

user@box:~$ pip install nexus3d
user@box:~$ python shapes/
user@box:~$ nexus3d vms-cs-fixed.nxs -fo vms-cs.glb --blender -c config-stl.json -s 1