

application definition, extends NXsensor_scan


Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a branch of microscopy that utilizes a physic ...

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a branch of microscopy that utilizes a physical probe to scan the surface of sample and image it at the atomic level.

The application class NXspm is designed as a skeleton and contains common technical concepts for specific SPM sub-techniques such as STM, STS, AFM etc.


No symbol table

Groups cited:

NXamplifier, NXbias_spectroscopy, NXbias_sweep, NXcalibration, NXdata, NXentry, NXenvironment, NXfabrication, NXhistory, NXidentifier, NXinstrument, NXlockin, NXobject, NXpid, NXpiezo_config_spm, NXpiezoelectric_material, NXpositioner_spm, NXrcs, NXsample, NXscan_control, NXsensor


ENTRY: (required) NXentry

definition: (required) NX_CHAR

Name of the definition that is used for the application. ...

Name of the definition that is used for the application.

Obligatory value: NXspm

experiment_technique: (required) NX_CHAR

The technique of the experiment like STM, STS, AFM, etc. ...

The technique of the experiment like STM, STS, AFM, etc.

Any of these values: STM | STS | AFM

scan_mode: (optional) NX_CHAR

The mode of the scan. The possible options depend on the type of experiment. ...

The mode of the scan. The possible options depend on the type of experiment. For example, in STM, the scan mode could be constant height or constant current, in AFM, the scan mode could be contact mode, tapping mode or non-contact mode.

scan_type: (optional) NX_CHAR

The type of the scan. It mainly describes how scan probe moves in the scan r ...

The type of the scan. It mainly describes how scan probe moves in the scan region, e.g. forward, backward, or both (if scan is repeated).

experiment_description: (optional) NX_CHAR

The description of the experiment like comments, ontes from from the experiment.

experiment_identifier: (optional) NXidentifier

The identifiers for the experiment which should be unique at least in lab.

experiment_instrument: (required) NXinstrument

The instrument information.

hardware: (required) NXfabrication

The hardware description of the core instrument setup of the experiment. ...

The hardware description of the core instrument setup of the experiment. Usually, the entire instrument is supplied by a single manufacturer. To describe the hardware from any sub-components, use the hardware group of that sub-component (child group of the NXinstrument group) group.

vendor: (required) NX_CHAR

Company name of the manufacturer.

model: (required) NX_CHAR

Version or model of the hardware setup provided by the manufacturer.

@version: (optional) NX_CHAR

If different versions are possible, the value in this field should be ...

If different versions are possible, the value in this field should be made specific enough to resolve the version.

software: (required) NXfabrication

The software description of the core instrument setup of the experiment. ...

The software description of the core instrument setup of the experiment. Usually, the entire instrument is supplied by a single name/manufacturer/model/etc. To describe the software from any sub-components, use the software group of that component.

vendor: (required) NX_CHAR

Company name of the manufacturer.

model: (required) NX_CHAR

Version or model of the component named by the manufacturer.

@version: (optional) NX_CHAR

If different versions are possible, the value in this field should be ...

If different versions are possible, the value in this field should be made specific enough to resolve the version.

real_time_controller: (optional) NXrcs

The real-time controller information.

rcs_frequency: (optional) NX_NUMBER

The frequency of the real-time controller system which indicated the num ...

The frequency of the real-time controller system which indicated the number of close-loop process (gathering data, process data and update system) control cycles per second.

lockin_amplifier: (optional) NXlockin

The lock-in amplifier information.

scan_environment: (required) NXenvironment

Information of the scan environment.

tip_temp: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TEMPERATURE}

Temperature of STM head. Note: At least one field from tip_temp, ...

Temperature of STM head. Note: At least one field from tip_temp, cryo_bottom_temp and cryo_shield_temp must be provided.

cryo_bottom_temp: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TEMPERATURE}

Temperature of the cold tail of the cryostat. Note: At least one field f ...

Temperature of the cold tail of the cryostat. Note: At least one field from tip_temp, cryo_bottom_temp and cryo_shield_temp must be provided.

cryo_shield_temp: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TEMPERATURE}

Temperature of liquid nitrogen shield. Note: At ...

Temperature of liquid nitrogen shield. Note: At least one field from tip_temp, cryo_bottom_temp and cryo_shield_temp.

scan_name: (optional) NX_CHAR

The name of the scan, mainly lab defined, that helps to differentiate am ...

The name of the scan, mainly lab defined, that helps to differentiate among different scans performed in the lab.

current_sensor: (optional) NXsensor

volatage_sensor: (optional) NXsensor

piezo_sensor: (optional) NXsensor

SCAN_CONTROL: (required) NXscan_control

The scan control information like scan region or phase space, type of sc ...

The scan control information like scan region or phase space, type of scan (e.g. mesh, spiral, etc.), and scan speed, etc. This group mainly stores the raw scan data. For processed data or final experimental data would go to NXdata group.

scan_name: (optional) NX_CHAR

The name of the scan, mainly lab defined, that helps to differentiate ...

The name of the scan, mainly lab defined, that helps to differentiate among different scans performed in lab. This field is intended for several types of scan control run under the same environment.

current_sensor: (optional) NXsensor

Information for current sensor.

AMPLIFIER: (optional) NXamplifier

An amplifier information for the input signal (e.g. from tip).

voltage_sensor: (optional) NXsensor

The sensor information for the voltage device.

AMPLIFIER: (optional) NXamplifier

piezo_sensor: (required) NXsensor

The piezo sensor refers to the height (or Z) piezo sensor if nothing is ...

The piezo sensor refers to the height (or Z) piezo sensor if nothing is mentioned along the X and Y directions.

x: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}

The x position of the piezo. In STS experiment, the piezo stays fixed at ...

The x position of the piezo. In STS experiment, the piezo stays fixed at x,y and z and the the tunneling current is measured with respect to the bias voltage (sweep voltage).

y: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}

The y position of the piezo.

z: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_LENGTH}

The z position of the piezo.

piezo_configuration: (optional) NXpiezo_config_spm

The piezo configuration information like piezoelectric calibration and m ...

The piezo configuration information like piezoelectric calibration and material properties.

calibration: (optional) NXcalibration

Calibration of the piezo device.

POSITIONER_SPM: (required) NXpositioner_spm

The positioner information like the position of the tip, the position of ...

The positioner information like the position of the tip, the position of the sample, PID loop feedback etc.

z_controller: (required) NXpid

The PID controller information for the z-axis.

z: (required) NX_NUMBER

To indicate the relative tip position z between tip and sample. The ...

To indicate the relative tip position z between tip and sample. The tip position can also be varied when the z_controller is not running.

controller_status: (required) NX_BOOLEAN

Status if controller is active.

piezo_material: (optional) NXpiezoelectric_material

The material description and properties of the piezoelectric scanner materials.

TEMPERATURE: (optional) NXsensor

A group handling the temperature such as cryo, shield and tip. For differe ...

A group handling the temperature such as cryo, shield and tip. For different type of temperature sensors repeat this group.

temperature: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TEMPERATURE}

The temperature of the sample.

CHANNEL_temp: (optional) NX_CHAR

The name of the channel to measure the temperature.

temperature_calibration: (optional) NXcalibration

Calibration of the temperature measurement.

coefficients: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

The coefficients of the calibration.

TEMPERATURE_DATA: (optional) NXdata

Data (e.g, record from SPM head temperature) from temperature sensor.

bias_spectroscopy_environment: (required) NXenvironment

To explain bias (sweep measurement) voltage applied to the sample.

BIAS_SPECTROSCOPY: (required) NXbias_spectroscopy

Setup and scan data for continuous measurement of bias-voltage on the su ...

Setup and scan data for continuous measurement of bias-voltage on the subject of experiment vs tunneling current from probe.

POSITIONER_SPM: (optional) NXpositioner_spm

The positioner information like the position of the tip, PID loop feedback etc.

z_controller: (optional) NXpid

The PID controller information for the z-axis.

z_average_time: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TIME}

The average time taken by the z-controller to stabilize the tip.

z_controller_time: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TIME}

The time taken by the z-controller to measure physical properties.

z_controller_hold: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

The status of the controller to be held on the previous position, ...

The status of the controller to be held on the previous position, before going to the next scan point or line to measure the physical properties.

record_final_z: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

The status of the controller to record the final z position after the scan.

bias_sweep: (required) NXbias_sweep

The bais voltage sweep is a common technique used on the substance or ...

The bais voltage sweep is a common technique used on the substance or sample or environment to study the change in the behavior of the sample or substance or environment due to change in applied bias voltage.

settling_time: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_TIME}

The time is taken to settle the bias voltage at the desired value. O ...

The time is taken to settle the bias voltage at the desired value. On each sweep usually, the system takes time to settle the bias voltage at the next value.

scan_region: (required) NXobject

The scan region (phase space or sub-phase space) is the region where ...

The scan region (phase space or sub-phase space) is the region where the scan is performed.

scan_offset_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The offset of the bias voltage for bias sweep.

scan_range_bias: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The range of the scan is the length of the bias voltage over which ...

The range of the scan is the length of the bias voltage over which the sweep scan will be performed.

scan_start_bias: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The start of the bias scan voltage.

scan_end_bias: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The end of the bias scan voltage.

linear_sweep: (required) NXobject

The linear sweep is a type of scan where the bias voltage is swept ...

The linear sweep is a type of scan where the bias voltage is swept linearly from the starting voltage to the ending voltage.

scan_points_bias: (required) NX_NUMBER

The number of voltage points the sweep scan to be performed.

step_size_bias: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The step size of the sweep. ...

The step size of the sweep. The step size is the difference between the two consecutive bias voltage during the sweep.

reset_bias: (optional) NX_BOOLEAN

The reset_bias is used to reset the bias voltage to the starting v ...

The reset_bias is used to reset the bias voltage to the starting value after a sweep is completed.

sample_bias_votage: (optional) NXsensor

The DC bias voltage that is applied to the sample.

bias_voltage: (required) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

The bias voltage (DC) applied to the sample.

bias_offset: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_VOLTAGE}

Offset value of the bias voltage.

bias_calibration: (optional) NXcalibration

Calibration of the bias voltage measurement (V/V).

coefficients: (optional) NX_NUMBER {units=NX_ANY}

The coefficients of the calibration.

SAMPLE: (optional) NXsample

The sample information.

history: (required) NXhistory

A set of physical processes that occurred to the sample prior/during experiment.

sample_environment: (optional) NXenvironment

Information of environment around the sample.

sample_bias_voltage: (required) NXsensor

Link to the sample_bias_voltage sensor under the instrument.

reproducibility_indicators: (required) NXobject

resolution_indicators: (optional) NXobject

Hypertext Anchors

List of hypertext anchors for all groups, fields, attributes, and links defined in this class.

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