Scanning Probe Microscopy¶
Application Definition¶
- NXspm:
An application definition for scanning Probe Microscopy domain experiments. The NXspm in herited from the NXsensor_scan is considered as a as general structure for all SPM experiments.
- NXsts:
The application definition NXsts for Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy is proxy to be used for STS experiments and it is inherited from the NXspm. The NXsts is an alias of the NXspm application definition.
- NXstm:
An application definition for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy experiments inherited from the NXspm.
- NXafm:
An application definition for Atomic Force Microscopy experiments inherited from the NXspm.
Base Classes¶
NXlockin: A base class to describe lock-in amplifier instrument.
NXbias_spectroscopy: A base class to describe bias spectroscopy measurement to measure I/V curve in STS expriment.
NXbias_sweep: A base class to describe bias sweep (a linear voltage vs current scan) step in bias spectroscopy measurement.
NXcantilever_spm: A base class to characterise cantilever used in AFM experiments.
NXpiezo_config_spm: A base class to describe piezo configuration in SPM experiments.
NXpiezoelectric_material: A base class to draw piezoelectric material properties used in cantilever tip.
NXpositioner_spm: A base class to describe PID positioner in SPM experiments.
NXscan_control: A base class to characterize the movement of scan probe in a multi-dimensional phase space.